Showing 1 - 10 of 151
Am 13. Dezember 2012 stellte das ifo Institut im Rahmen seines vorweihnachtlichen Pressegesprächs seine Prognose für die Jahre 2012 und 2013 vor. Die Weltkonjunktur hat sich seit der Mitte des vergangenen Jahres zunehmend abgekühlt. Dies machte sich, wenn auch in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß, in...
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Am 13. Dezember 2012 stellte das ifo Institut im Rahmen seines vorweihnachtlichen Pressegesprächs seine Prognose für die Jahre 2012 und 2013 vor. Die Weltkonjunktur hat sich seit der Mitte des vergangenen Jahres zunehmend abgekühlt. Dies machte sich, wenn auch in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß, in...
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This paper analyses the cost implications for climate policy in developed countries if developing countries are unwilling to adopt measures to reduce their own GHG emissions. First, we assume that a 450 CO2 (550 CO2e) ppmv stabilisation target is to be achieved and that Non Annex1 (NA1)...
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This paper analyses the cost implications for climate policy in developed countries if developing countries are unwilling to adopt measures to reduce their own GHG emissions. First, we assume that a 450 CO2 (550 CO2e) ppmv stabilisation target is to be achieved and that Non Annex1 (NA1)...
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This paper analyses the cost implications for climate policy in developed countries if developing countries are unwilling to adopt measures to reduce their own GHG emissions. First, we assume that a 450 CO2 (550 CO2e) ppmv stabilisation target is to be achieved and that Non Annex1 (NA1)...
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Climate-economy models aiming at quantifying the costs and effects of climate change impacts and policies have become important tools for climate policy decision-making. Although there are several important dimensions along which models differ, this paper focuses on a key component of climate...
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This paper analyses the cost implications for climate policy in developed countries if developing countries are unwilling to adopt measures to reduce their own GHG emissions. First, we assume that a 450 CO2 (550 CO2e) ppmv stabilisation target is to be achieved and that Non Annex1 (NA1)...
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Climate-economy models aiming at quantifying the costs and effects of climate change impacts and policies have become important tools for climate policy decision-making. Although there are several important dimensions along which models differ, this paper focuses on a key component of climate...
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This paper analyses the cost implications for climate policy in developed countries if developing countries are unwilling to adopt measures to reduce their own GHG emissions. First, we assume that a 450 CO2 (550 CO2e) ppmv stabilisation target is to be achieved and that Non Annex1 (NA1)...
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Die Hochkonjunktur, in der sich die deutsche Wirtschaft seit vergangenem Jahr befindet, hat an Schwung verloren. Insbesondere die außenwirtschaflichen Risiken haben deutlich zugenommen. Im laufenden und im kommenden Jahr wird nunmehr mit einem Zuwachs des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts von 1,8 %...
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