Showing 31 - 40 of 97
Berechnungen auf Basis des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) zeigen, dass sich nach der Einführung des Mindestlohns im Januar 2015 das Lohnwachstum der anspruchsberechtigten Beschäftigten mit niedrigen Löhnen deutlich beschleunigt hat: So lag das nominale Wachstum bei den vertraglichen...
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Obwohl der Arbeitsmarkt boomt, bleibt das Thema Lohnungleichheit relevant. In diesem Bericht wird die Veränderung der Bruttolöhne und ihrer Verteilung zwischen 1992 und 2016 untersucht. Dabei werden neben dem realen vertraglich vereinbarten Bruttostundenlohn auch der Bruttomonats- und der...
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Despite the booming German labor market, wage inequality is still a relevant issue. In the present study, the authors report on the changes in wages and their distribution between 1992 and 2016. In addition to real contractual gross hourly wages, we closely examined gross monthly and annual...
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Two conversion schemes may be employed for assessing income inequality from household equivalent incomes: to weight household units by size or by needs. Using data from the Luxembourg Income Study, we show the sensitivity of country inequality rankings to conversion schemes and explain the...
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Two conversion schemes are usually employed for assessing personal-income inequality from household equivalent incomes: to weight household units by size or by needs.Using data from the Luxembourg Income Study, we show the sensitivity of country inequality rankings to conversion schemes and...
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When individual or household incomes are collected for administrative or scientific surveys, the reference period of income is sometimes a month, sometimes a quarter, and sometimes a year. This reference period of income likely affects the shape of the distribution and derived measures of...
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Research on wealth inequality usually focuses on real and financial assets, while pension wealth - the present value of future pension entitlements from public and company pension schemes - receives little attention. This is astonishing, given that pension plans play an important role for...
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We study inter-temporal changes in poverty for Germany from year 1978 to 2003, and we employ the bootstrap method to test for statistical significance of results. All results are decomposed by household type and region. Poverty estimates are particularly high for single parents. Most striking,...
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