Showing 1 - 10 of 13
The paper postulates the importance of the economic impact of the Transylvanian Saxons migration on Romanian interest. Through the paper are identified the economic reasons, causes and factors that led the development of the Romanian society of the 1867-1914 Transylvanian Saxons migration. In...
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Romanian Abstract: Revista Educația Azi este o publicație științifica a Editurii Cadrelor Didactice, din Romania, care apare în fiecare lună în format exclusiv online. Domeniul de interes este educația în cel mai larg sens atribuit acestui cuvânt. Nu avem o tematică anume,...
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The paper presents natural honey market conjuncture, accentuating the contribution of EU28 (European Union 28) and BRICS countries (Brazil, Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa) to the world market competitiveness. The presented countries hold more than a half of natural honey world...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul dezvoltă problema calității agroalimentare în contextul actual al diluării libertăților de conștiință. Dezvoltarea umană depinde din ce în ce mai mult de asigurarea necesarului de hrană, atât din punct de vedere cantitativ, cât și calitativ....
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European mountains protection represents one of the most important holdings of the European desideratum. As known, mountains offer higher quality in all living, namely biodiversity of air – water – soil. The ecosystem of mountain area is designed to sustain a better life for human being and...
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The article analyzes the construction sector in the Romanian mountains area and in the North-East region of Romania, in order to offer solid solutions for functional growth, especially through the circular economy applied in environment protection desiderata. According to EU statistics, the...
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Romanian Abstract: În actualul context pandemic, sectorul afacerilor prezintă semnificative pierderi. În vederea recalibrării economiei Europene, lucrarea propune servitizarea aplicată la antreprenoriatul montan, întrucât conceptul se potrivește perfect în noul context pandemic global....
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The paper presents the conceptual and statistical dynamic of the Wholesale and Retail Commerce, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles and Transport and Storage economic sectors in the European mountain area. European mountain entrepreneurship and commerce develops considerably in the 20th...
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This year the 6th IASME / WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE '11) was held in Cambridge, UK, February 23-25, 2011. The conference remains faithful to its original idea of providing a platform to discuss power generation, power plants, solar power, photovoltaic energy,...
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This year the 4th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTER ENGINEERING and APPLICATIONS (CEA '10) was held at Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, January 27-29, 2010. The conference remains faithful to its original idea of providing a platform to discuss network architecture, network design...
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