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The paper presents briefly the evolution of inflation over the period August 2008 - November 2010 for the new member states (NMS) of the EU, which are on the waiting list to adopt the Euro (in a random order, they are Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland and...
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Criza financiara globala a transmis o serie de factori care au agravat situatia economiilor noilor state membre ale Uniunii Europene, pe fondul existentei unor relatii financiare si comerciale puternice cu tarile europene dezvoltate. in acest articol facem o scurta prezentare a unor...
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Over the time, the Euro area proved to be an experimental region, an analytical model for the process of monetary integration, therefore a support for the development of the concept of optimum currency area. The global financial and economic crisis which started in 2007 and which changed the...
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Deşi se utilizează frecvent, competitivitatea naţională este încă o noţiune ambiguă, în sensul că nu există nici o definiţie unanim acceptată în literatura de specialitate, ci numeroase abordări. În acest articol vom încerca să contribuim la clarificarea conceptului de...
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Concerns about the monetary integration issue have lasted for over five decades, outlining several criteria which embody the theory of optimum currency areas. Although the European monetary integration pattern is not based on this theory, it often serves as a reference in assessing the...
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Logically, the process of enlarging the euro zone, by assimilating the new EU member states, presumes first that the candidate countries meet the nominal criteria of convergence and, second, the actual adoption of the euro. The analysis of euro zone enlargement should reveal the potential costs...
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Optimizarea unei zone monetare, în sensul unei funcţionări viabile pe termen lung, se fundamentează pe capacitatea acesteia de a gestiona şocurile asimetrice care tind să se propage în interior. Un şoc macroeconomic comun propagat în cadrul tuturor subsistemelor poate fi asimetric în...
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The global financial crisis transmitted several factors which have aggravated the economic situation of the new members of the European Union on the background of their strong financial and trading relations with the developed European countries. This article is a brief presentation of some...
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Concerns about the monetary integration issue have lasted for over five decades, outlining several criteria which embody the theory of optimum currency areas. Although the European monetary integration pattern is not based on this theory, it often serves as a reference in assessing the...
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