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In this essay, analysis of a specific question related to the notion of investor's nationality will be asked - can one consider an investment and, respectively, investor as foreign, if the investor who invests abroad (e.g. purchase of shares of local company) also borrows abroad? In order to...
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Lithuanian Abstract: 1990–1992-ieji – Lietuvos Respublikos perėjimo prie laisvosios rinkos ekonomikos metai: tuo metu Lietuva tapo tarptautinės komercinės rinkos nare ir kaip besivystanti šalis turėjo greitai pritraukti užsienio investicijas. Būtent 1992–1993 metai yra tas...
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Lithuanian Abstract: Straipsnyje analizuojamas naudojimasis garantijomis išreikštomis Lietuvos dvišalėse investicijų sutartyse Lietuvos Respublikos teismuose. Nors beveik kiekvienas užsienio subjektas investuojantis Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijoje turi galimybę naudotis DIS suteiktomis...
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Lithuanian Abstract: Straipsnyje analizuojama Ginčų sprendimo tarybos (angl. Dispute Settlement Body, sutr. DSB) sudaromų kolegijų ataskaitų apeliacijos procedūra Pasaulio prekybos organizacijos (PPO) ginčų sprendimo procese, analizuojamos Apeliacijos komiteto funkcijos, jo sudarymas ir...
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The start of Lithuania’s transition to free market economy meant that Lithuania had become a member of international commercial market and, as a developing country, had to attract foreign investment fast. This circumstance facilitated the conclusion of a vast number of BITs between Lithuania...
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This article is focused on a recent Ruling of the Supreme Court of Lithuania which analysed the issue of arbitrability of disputes arising under public procurement contracts. Authors provide a thorough analysis of the Ruling and submit a critical approach arguing that the respective Ruling is...
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One of the main advantages of arbitration is that it can be a ground for dispute resolution which requires interaction of various different laws and rules. Parties can freely decide what laws or rules should govern their dispute settlement mechanism and what procedure to follow in the event of...
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UNCITRAL Arbitration rules of 2010 made arbitration provisions up to date with the modern practice of international commercial arbitration. 2010 Rules have reflected new developments and change in the international commercial arbitration since the adoption of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules of...
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Carrier's liability limitation in international carriage conventions is a consequence of international trade practice, because all modes of carriage consist of risks which, in order to make international carriage possible/profitable, must be distributed to all members of such business. In...
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Different interests of countries, economic implications, consolidation between international trade and competition and the sovereign rights of countries brought a complex issue. Therefore, an odd situation for competition law have arisen – how can different competition laws of different...
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