Showing 1 - 10 of 23
This paper analyses the interdependency between the market for music recordings and concert tickets, assuming that there are positive indirect network effects both from the record market to ticket sales for live performances and vice versa. In a model with two interrelated Hotelling lines prices...
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This paper analyzes the impact on mobile telephony diffusion patterns of the two predominant payment regimes, calling party pays (CPP) and receiving party pays (RPP), for mobile termination services. By applying instrumental variable techniques to panel data we account for a possible...
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Die vorliegende Studie geht der Frage nach, ob und inwiefern ehemalige Leistungssportler im späteren Berufsleben erfolgreicher sind als Nichtsportler. Die zugrundeliegende Überlegung ist, dass sich Leistungssport positiv auf die Entwicklung von Charaktereigenschaften auswirkt, die auch im...
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This paper analyses the income effect of the participation in elite sports using a unique dataset on former German top-level athletes. To quantify the average treatment effect we use covariate nearestneighbour matching. While our treatment group consists of formerly top-level athletes the...
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This paper explores the effects that collusion can have in newspaper markets where firms compete for advertising as well as for readership. We compare three modes of competition: i) competition in the advertising and the reader market, ii) semi-collusion over advertising (with competition in the...
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A wide range of media provide information on many products based on reviews or expert opinions. A natural question is, whether these reviews and expert opinions have any effect on sales. A small but growing literature in economics and marketing science deals with this issue, by testing the...
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This note analyzes the existence of a possible media bias by determining the impact of automobile manufactures' advertisements on the probability that German car magazines review their products. By accounting for possible endogeneity, we find a positive impact of advertising volumes on test...
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This paper investigates the existence of a possible media bias by analyzing the impact of automobile manufacturer's advertisements on automobile reviews in a leading German car magazine. By accounting for both endogeneity and sample selection using a two-step procedure, we find a positive impact...
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Increasing price levels, high price volatility and the suspicion of collusive behavior are important topics of public debates on competition in retail gasoline markets in many countries. Several governments and competition authorities introduced fuel price regulations in form of restrictions on...
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Eine wichtige Erkenntis der neueren Entwicklungen in Theorie und Praxis von Medienmärkten ist die Reformbedürftigkeit des Public Service Broadcastings. Der vorliegende Beitrag greift in diesem Zusammenhang einen Vorschlag von Jörn Kruse auf, der bereits im Jahr 2004 darauf hinwies, dass...
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