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This paper explores the stock market interlinkages between the United States and Romania during the actual financial crisis. For this purpose we analyze, in a Vector Autoregressive framework, daily values of Dow Jones and BET, being two reference indexes for the US and the Romanian Stock...
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This paper explores the relation between the prices and the trading volume from the Bucharest Stock Exchange. The data employed consist in the daily values from January 2002 to March 2011. We identify some significant changes caused by events such as Romania’s adhesion to the European Union or...
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This paper explores the stock market interlinkages between the United States and Romania during the actual financial crisis. For this purpose we analyze, in a Vector Autoregressive framework, daily values of Dow Jones and BET, being two reference indexes for the US and the Romanian Stock...
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This paper explores the relation between the prices and the trading volume from the Bucharest Stock Exchange. The data employed consist in the daily values from January 2002 to March 2011. We identify some significant changes caused by events such as Romania's adhesion to the European Union or...
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Monthly seasonality in the stock prices returns is among the best known calendar anomalies that affect the capital markets. The knowledge about such calendar patterns could be exploited in building successful investment strategies. However, it was revealed that not all the calendar anomalies...
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Romanian Abstract: Unele anomalii calendaristice care au fost detectate pe pieţele de acţiuni pot fi, de asemenea, descoperite şi pe pieţele valutare. Această lucrare abordează prezenţa Efectului Turn-of-the-Year în randamentele logaritmice ale valorilor zilnice ale ratei de schimb...
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare abordează câteva metode simple de identificare a anomaliilor calendaristice. Luând ca exemplu Efectul TOY, vom arăta cum pot fi aplicate testele t sau regresiile OLS pentru a detecta o componentă sezonieră a evoluţiei randamentelor activelor financiare
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The passing from quiet to turbulent periods could generate significant changes on some calendar anomalies of the capital markets. This paper approaches the persistence in time on Bucharest Stock Exchange of a seasonality associated to winter days. We investigate this calendar effect for three...
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Very often, the holiday effects are studied only for the first day before and for the first day after any public holiday. Beside these traditional forms of the holiday effects it was revealed an extended one, which refers to the abnormal stocks returns occurring in intervals, containing some...
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare abordează unele dintre principalele caracteristici ale anomaliilor calendaristice precum cauzele acestora, persistenţa lor în timp sau posibilităţile de a le utiliza in elaborarea strategiilor de investiţii. Sunt prezentate, totodată, câteva dintre...
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