Showing 1 - 10 of 16
Für Selbständige und Gewerbetreibende stellt das gemischt genutzte Kraftfahrzeug einen wesentlichen Aspekt der Steuerplanung dar, da im Rahmen der ertrag- und umsatzsteuerlichen Zuordnung sowie bei der Pauschalierung von Kosten bzw. der privaten Nutzungsentnahme umfassende Wahlrechte bestehen....
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Due to empirical research, tax and accounting compliance costs are a considerable burden for private businesses. However, cost estimates may be biased due to survey nonresponse and questionnaire framing effects. This paper investigates the impact of both aspects on the estimated cost burden. I...
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We argue that the impact of capital gains taxation on asset pricing depends on the tax awareness of market participants. While institutional investors should be generally wellinformed about tax regulations, private investors have only limited tax knowledge and resources. As a result, market...
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Our paper provides a comprehensive report of empirical research on tax compliance costs. Compared to previous reviews, our focus is on average costs for sub-groups (individual taxpayers, small businesses, large businesses) and the composition of the cost burden with regards to different cost...
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Unter Verwendung des Konzepts äquivalenter Einkommen vergleichen wir acht verschiedene Typen von Arbeitnehmerhaushalten im Hinblick auf ihre Nettobelastung aus Steuern, Sozialbeiträgen und Transferzahlungen aus dem ALG II. Anhand des Kriteriums horizontaler Gleichheit können wir darlegen,...
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Die Komplexität der Besteuerung lässt sich aus ökonomischer Perspektive anhand der daraus resultierenden Kostenbelastung beschreiben, wobei zwischen den administrativen Kosten der staatlichen Verwaltung und den Bürokratiekosten der Steuerpflichtigen zu unterscheiden ist. Bürokratiekosten...
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We examine an international panel of domestic firms to quantify the degree to which conforming tax avoidance changes with statutory tax rates. We derive an alternative estimation method that identifies conforming tax avoidance from the variation of tax rates over time and across countries. We...
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This paper examines the effect of tax incentives in the form of bonus depreciation on the quality of investment. Using the expiration of tax incentives via bonus depreciation in East Germany and a representative panel of West German establishments, we show that bonus depreciation significantly...
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We quantify the degree of tax-induced earnings management associated with statutory tax rates and examine whether greater book-tax conformity alters this particular type of earnings management. We first validate a new empirical approach for examining tax-induced earnings management using...
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