Showing 1 - 10 of 54
Does trade openness cause higher GDP per capita? Since the seminal instrumental variables (IV) estimates of Frankel and Romer [F&R](1999) important doubts have surfaced. Is the correlation spurious and driven by omitted geographical and institutional variables? In this paper, we generalize F&R's...
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Natural disasters affect bilateral trade. We use this fact to generalize the instrumental variables strategy of Frankel and Romer (1999) to a panel setup. This allows revisiting an old question: Does openness cause per capita GDP? We work with a modified gravity framework in which we interact...
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Wie in vielen anderen Weltregionen soll der halbjährliche Wechsel zwischen Winter- und Sommerzeit in der EU abgeschafft werden. Dieser Beitrag untersucht, ob es eine optimale Zeitzone für ein Land gibt und ob ein „Zeitzonenflickenteppich“ tatsächlich mit hohen ökonomischen Kosten...
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This paper presents a simple North-South model of endogenous growth, based on learning by doing, which is consistent with the following empirical observations: (i) the price of investment goods relative to consumption goods has been falling for the last 40 years in most industrialized countries,...
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This paper argues that the empirical trade-growth relationship should be modelled using a dynamic panel data approach and that it is best estimated with Blundell and Bond’s (1999) system-GMM estimator. This procedure remedies some econometric problems such as regressor endogeneity, measurement...
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Vor 200 Jahren hat einer der Gründungsväter der modernen Volkswirtschaftslehre, David Ricardo, in seinem Buch Principles of Political Economy and Taxation die Theorie der komparativen Vorteile vorgestellt. Vom Abbau von Handelsbarrieren profitieren alle Länder, sogar die, die im Vergleich zu...
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Gabriel Felbermayr zeigt, wie Ricardos Modell für eine modere handelspolitische Beratung genutzt werden kann.
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This paper presents a simple North-South model of endogenous growth, based on learning by doing, which is consistent with the following empirical observations: (i) the price of investment goods relative to consumption goods has been falling for the last 40 years in most industrialized countries,...
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This paper argues that the empirical trade-growth relationship should be modelled using a dynamic panel data approach and that it is best estimated with Blundell and Bond's (1999) system-GMM estimator. This procedure remedies some econometric problems such as regressor endogeneity, measurement...
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This paper presents a simple North-South model of endogenous growth, based on learning by doing, which is consistent with the following empirical observations: (i) the price of investment goods relative to consumption goods has been falling for the last 40 years in most industrialized countries,...
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