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The US Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulation mandates, subject to a civil penalty, producers to achieve a certain fleet average fuel economy on sales of new passenger cars. Analysing the incentive effects of CAFE, we find that it affords differential tax treatment to car models with...
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We examine the role of services in the structure of production and trade. Working with a cross-country sample of 17 social accounting matrices, we develop stylized facts relating upstream and downstream service linkages to incomes and the input-output structure of production. Expansion of...
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Wie in vergangenen Rezessionen verursachte auch die Wirtschaftskrise 2008-2009 Spannungen im internationalen Handelssystem. Allerdings spielen diesmal Importzölle, das klassische Instrument, um eigene Industries vor ausländischer Konkurrenz zu schützen, keine bedeutende Rolle, vor allem nicht...
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Like all crises in the past, the economic downturn of 2008-2009 caused some frictions in the international trading system. Import tariffs, the traditional instrument for protecting domestic industries, however, have not played the primary role in this, particularly not in industrialised...
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We are concerned with trade in transport services (not cabotage butrather international shipping, transport,and related logistical services) and the importance of competitionand market structure in the sector. Weexamine implications of liberalization for profits, trade, andnational gains from...
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In this paper we examine the interaction between the different modesof market access commitments inservices (cross-border and establishment) market structure, andregulation. In this context, we focus on theimpact of improved domestic market access for a foreign serviceprovider on a domestic...
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Antidumping actions in the United States and EU are knownto be linked to macroeconomic conditions. In part, this is becausepositive injury findings may be easier to make in a downturn. Weexplore the evidence for Mexico, one of the main new antidumpingusing countries. Injury determination is also...
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Most of the large tariff reductions achieved in multilateral tradenegotiations have involved tariff-cutting formulas such as the Swissformula. However, wide variations in initial tariff rates between activeparticipants call for new approaches under the Doha Development Agenda.This paper surveys...
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We develop a mixed complementarity programming (MCP) based estimating framework for non-tariff barriers (NTBs) to examine the evolution of market access conditions in the textile and clothing sectors, working with a panel of bilateral trade data on textile and clothing trade, underlying...
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We analyze general equilibrium relationships between trade policy and the household distribution of income, decomposing social welfare into real income level and variance components through Gini and Atkinson indexes. We embed these inequality-adjusted social welfare functions in a general...
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