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This paper studies the term structure implications of a simple structural economy in which the representative agent displays ambiguity aversion, modeled by Multiple Priors Recursive Utility. Bond excess returns reflect a premium for ambiguity, which is observationally distinct from the risk...
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In this paper we develop the rst estimator of the covariance matrix that relies solely onforward-looking information. This estimator only uses price information from a cross-sectionof plain-vanilla options. In an out-of-sample study for US blue-chip stocks we show that aminimum-variance strategy...
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The aim of this paper is to explain why cross-sectional estimated migration correlations displayed in the academic and professional literature can be either not consistent, or inefficient, and to discuss alternative approaches. The analysis relies on a model with stochastic migration in which...
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In this paper we explain how to use rating histories provided by the internal scoring systems of banks and by rating agencies in order to predict the future risk of a set of borrowers. The method is developed following the steps suggested by the Basle Committee. To introduce both migration...
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Expected returns can hardly be estimated from time series data. Therefore, many recent papers suggest investing in the global minimum variance portfolio. The weights of this portfolio are usually estimated by replacing the true return covariance matrix by its time series estimator. However,...
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It seems to be widely accepted that Jensen alpha fails to detect successful market timing funds spuriously indicating poor fund performance. Jensen (1972), Admati and Ross (1985), Dybvig and Ross (1985), and Grinblatt and Titman (1989), (1995) attribute that to an upwards biased estimate of the...
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Nach §44 Investmentgesetz (InvG) sind Investmentfonds verpflichtet, im Rahmen ihres regelmäßigen Berichtswesens den Anlegern zumindest halbjährlich ihre Portfoliozusammensetzung bekannt zu geben. Häufigere oder auch detailliertere Portfolioveröffentlichung erhöht die Trans parenz des...
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We develop an econometric methodology to infer the path of risk premia from large unbalancedpanel of individual stock returns. We estimate the time-varying risk premia implied by conditional linearasset pricing models where the conditioning includes instruments common to all assets and asset...
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This paper investigates the dynamics of the term structure of bond market illiquidity premia. We analyze the comovement of short-, medium-, and long-termilliquidity premia and identify economic factors determining them. Our resultsshow that the term structure of illiquidity premia is U-shaped on...
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This paper serves two purposes. First, we introduce a new data set on the German stock marketwhich is publicly available to all researchers. It comprises factor returns (a market factor, asize factor, a book-to-market factor, and a momentum factor) as well as returns of portfolioswhich are...
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