Showing 1 - 10 of 54
The infrastructure required to assure a reliable, clean, and economic electricity system is among the crucial conditions that have to be established for the energiewende to succeed. This chapter summarizes issues surrounding electricity transmission in the context of the energiewende. Even...
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Cross-border cooperation on energy policies is crucial for achieving the ambitious goals of the low-carbon transformation in Europe and the energiewende in Germany. Because the European electricity system is so densely interconnected, reform processes in one country affect the broader European...
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Grid optimization, capacity increases, and grid expansion all play a key role in the development of the German power generation system. Thanks to transmission system operators’ foresightedness with regard to grid planning, as well as generous financial incentives related to grid expansion,...
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According to the climate target set by the German government for 2020, greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by 40 percent compared to 1990 levels. However, current projections indicate that this target will only be achieved if further measures are implemented. The power sector has an...
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In spite of the March 2011 nuclear moratorium, the German electricity system's ability to provide a secure supply has not been jeopardized to date, and there is no prospect of this occurring in the coming decade, either. The system currently has major overcapacities due to construction of...
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In the second year after the shutdown of seven nuclear power plants in March 2011, the situation of the German high voltage electricity transmission grid remained robust. Even though some expansion projects are behind schedule, the grid reconstruction advances steadily as several essential lines...
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Die Modernisierung und der Ausbau der Stromübertragungsnetze schreitet in Deutschland langsam, aber sicher voran. Trotz des Atomausstiegs gibt es kurzfristig also keinen Grund zur Sorge wegen einer potenziellen Netzlücke. In den Jahren 2007 bis 2010 waren die wegen Netzengpässen notwendigen...
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Die "Energiestrategie 2030" setzt den Weg Brandenburgs in Richtung erneuerbarer Energien konsequent fort. Die am 28. Februar vom Kabinett der Landesregierung verabschiedete Strategie sieht den schrittweisen Ausstieg aus den fossilen Technologien hin zu einer vollständigen Stromerzeugung aus...
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Grid optimization, capacity increases, and grid expansion all play a key role in the development of the German power generation system. Thanks to transmission system operators’ foresightedness with regard to grid planning, as well as generous financial incentives related to grid expansion,...
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Despite the ongoing appetite of financial investors for merchant investments into the European electricity network, the EC is reluctant to approve such undertakings, thus implicitly favoring regulated investments. Based on a two-level model, we analyze the impact of profit-maximizing merchant...
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