Showing 101 - 110 of 326
Welfare-oriented analyses of economic outcome measures such as income and wealth generally rest on the assumption of pooled and equally shared resources among all household members. Yet the lack of individual-level data hampers the distribution of income and wealth within the household context....
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According to current analyses based on the Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), the total net assets of German households in 2012 amounted to 6.3 trillion euros. Almost 28 percent of the adult population had no or even negative net wealth. On average, individual net assets in 2012 totaled over...
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Auch rund 25 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall verfügen private Haushalte in Ostdeutschland mit im Durchschnitt 67 400 Euro über nicht einmal halb so hohe Vermögen wie die in Westdeutschland, wo es rund 153 200 Euro sind. In beiden Landesteilen ist der Immobilienbesitz die quantitativ wichtigste...
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Very nearly 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, households in eastern Germany have an average net worth of 67,400 euros which is less than half that of their counterparts in western Germany with an average net worth of 153,200 euros. In both parts of the country, real estate ownership is...
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Analysen zur Vermögensungleichheit auf Basis von Bevölkerungserhebungen untererfassen tendenziell die Top-Vermögenden. Gerade dieser Personenkreis ist aber von besonderer Bedeutung, weil er einen beträchtlichen Teil des Gesamtvermögens besitzt. Offizielle Registerdaten zur...
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The analyses of wealth inequality based on survey data usually suffer from undercoverage of the upper percentiles of the very wealthy. Yet given this group's substantial share of total net worth, it is of particular relevance. As no tax data are available in Germany, the largest fortunes can...
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This article deals with income advantages derived from owner occupied housing (Imputed Rent, IR) and their impact on the personal income distribution. Following a brief description of different methods with which to calculate IR in household surveys, we conduct a cross-national comparative study...
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Das private Vermögen in Deutschland ist vor dem Hintergrund der Erbschaftsteuerreform und der zunehmenden Privatisierung der sozialen Vorsorge verstärkt in den Blickpunkt der wirtschafts- und sozialpolitischen Diskussion gerückt. Mit den Ergebnissen der Vermögenserhebung im Rahmen des...
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Individual net wealth in Germany totaled an average of around 88,000 Euros at the beginning of 2007 which was about 10 percent higher than in 2002. Decisive for this development was an increase in monetary wealth as well as wealth from private insurance. In connection with the overall quite...
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Between 1991 and 2015, the real disposable, needs-adjusted income of persons in private households in Germany rose by 15 percent on average. The majority of the population has benefited from the growth in real income, but the groups at the lower end of the income distribution have not....
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