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China and Brazil are two countries with continental dimensions, with differences in availability of natural resources, population sizes, and which have adopted different strategies of economic growth in the past. China has been following consistently a strategy of Export Led Growth (ELG), while...
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Portuguese Abstract: Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o nível de atividade do agronegócio da agricultura familiar na Região Nordeste do Brasil, para o período de 1995 a 2006. Através dos Modelos de Insumo-Produto foi possível estimar a importância do Produto Interno Bruto do...
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Portuguese Abstract: O Brasil além de apresentar grandes potencialidades para atender a demanda interna de alimentos, pode também participar ativamente do mercado mundial de muitos produtos agrícolas. Entretanto, observa-se que a balança comercial de alguns produtos agrícolas apresenta...
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The Brazilian integration strategy has been focused on agreements based upon North-South and South-South negotiations. However, this kind of negotiations face serious troubles to be done. Consequently, the option of the internal economic integration might be more viable in terms of social...
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This paper analyses the relationship between economic performance and CO2 emissions in Brazil, in the year 2004. The contribution of the diverse productive sectors to total emission is established, taking into account the technological structure of the economy, the interrelations among sectors,...
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The purpose of this work is to verify the existence of possible tradeoffs between policies direct to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) with the ones direct to foster the development of the Brazilian Amazon Region, which is one of the poorest in the country. In order to achieve this...
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Portuguese Abstract: Pesquisas atuais mostram que o setor agropecuário do Mato Grosso tem apresentado elevado desempenho nos últimos anos, ocupando posição de setor-chave no desenvolvimento econômico do Estado. Este trabalho visa mostrar de forma empírica a importância relativa do setor...
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This paper uses a set of international input-output tables constructed for selected Asian countries (and the USA) for the years of 1975 and 1985 to compare sectoral and intercountry changes over this decade. The analysis makes use of a framework developed by Guilhoto, Hewings, and Sonis (1996)...
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The Brazilian meat production in 1999 is estimated at 12.8 million tons, and the main productive chains of this sector are: a) the beef chain (6.7 million tons); b) the poultry chain (5.0 million tons); and the pork chain (1.7 million tons). Brazil is the world second largest beef producer...
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It is hard to think about the contributions of Michael Sonis to Input-Output Analysis without taking into consideration his joint work with Geoffrey Hewings. Both are linked together into a type n, n → ∞, multiplier of theory and knowledge. This paper makes a brief presentation of the...
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