Showing 1 - 10 of 313
Familienbedingte Erwerbsunterbrechungen führen in Zusammenhang mit der Alterssicherung insbesondere für Mütter oft zu niedrigeren gesetzlichen Rentenansprüchen. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat der Gesetzgeber ehe- und familienbezogene Leistungen konzipiert, die solche Defizite in der...
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Familienbedingte Erwerbsunterbrechungen führen in Zusammenhang mit der Alterssicherung insbesondere für Mütter oft zu niedrigeren gesetzlichen Rentenansprüchen. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat der Gesetzgeber ehe- und familienbezogene Leistungen konzipiert, die solche Defizite in der...
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Two traditional options for reforming Ehegattensplitting, the joint taxation of married couples with full income splitting, are de facto income splitting (Realsplitting) or individual taxation with a transferable personal allowance. However, these proposals do not significantly reduce the...
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Informal care by close family members is the main pillar of most long-term care systems. However, due to demographic ageing the need for long-term care is expected to increase while the informal care potential is expected to decline. From a budgetary perspective, informal care is often viewed as...
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Informal care by close family members is the main pillar of most long-term care systems. However, due to demographic ageing the need for long-term care is expected to increase while the informal care potential is expected to decline. From a budgetary perspective, informal care is often viewed as...
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Informal care by close family members is the main pillar of most longterm care systems. However, due to demographic ageing the need for long-term care is expected to increase while the informal care potential is expected to decline. From a budgetary perspective, informal care is often viewed as...
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Parental leave and subsidized child care are prominent examples of family policies supporting the reconciliation of family life and labor market careers for mothers. In this paper, we combine different empirical strategies to evaluate the employment effects of these policies for mothers in...
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Parental leave and subsidized child care are prominent examples of family policies supporting the reconciliation of family life and labor market careers for mothers. In this paper, we combine different empirical strategies to evaluate the employment effects of these policies for mothers in...
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Im Jahr 1999 wurde die sogenannte 'Altersrente für Frauen' für die Jahrgänge ab 1952 abgeschafft. Dadurch erhöhte sich das frühestmögliche Renteneintrittsalter für viele Frauen schlagartig von 60 auf 63 Jahre. In der vorliegenden Studie werden anhand von Daten der deutschen...
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Die 'Rente mit 67' ist ein zentraler rentenpolitischer Baustein zur Bewältigung der Folgen des demografischen Wandels. Sie sieht vor, dass das Regelrenteneintrittsalter zwischen 2012 und 2031 von 65 auf 67 Jahre steigt. Allerdings geht diese Strategie nur dann auf, wenn es den Menschen gelingt,...
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