Showing 1 - 10 of 11
Siktemålet med denne undersøkelsen er å beskrive aktivitet og kostnader i offentlige og private røntgen- og laboratorieenheter. Laboratoriedelen av undersøkelsen er begrenset til laboratorier innen medisinsk biokjemi (klinisk kjemi). Data er hentet inn ved hjelp av registreringsskjemaer som...
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In recent years, decentralization of financial and political power has been perceived as a useful means to improve outcomes of the health care sector of many European countries. Such reforms could be the result of fashionable policy trends, rather than being based on knowledge of "what works"....
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In recent years, decentralization of financial and political power has been perceived as a useful means to improve outcomes of the health care sector. Such reforms are often a result of fashion, rather than being based on knowledge of “what works”. If decentralization is the favored strategy...
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The paper examines the heterogeneity with respect to the impact of a financial reform - Activity Based Financing (ABF) - on hospital efficiency in Norway. Measures of technical efficiency and of cost-efficiency are considered. The data set is from a contiguous ten-year panel of 47 hospitals...
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Activity-based financing (ABF) was implemented in the Norwegian hospital sector from 1 July 1997. A fraction (30 to 50 per cent) of the block grant from the state to the county councils has been replaced by a matching grant depending upon the number and composition of hospital treatments. As a...
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Fra 1. juli 1997 ble det innført Innsatsstyrt finansiering (ISF) av somatiske sykehus i Norge. Innsatsstyrt finansiering innebærer at deler av utgiftene til fylkeskommunens behandling av inneliggende pasienter refunderes av staten. Fylkene inngår ulike former for avtaler med sykehusene....
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Innsatsstyrt finansiering (ISF) ble innført for somatiske sykehus i Norge fra 1.7.1997. ISF innebærer at deler av fylkeskommunenes utgifter til behandling av inneliggende pasienter refunderes av staten. Refusjonen avhenger av antall og sammensetning av behandlede pasienter, og refusjonen var i...
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I forbindelse med behandlingen av statsbudsjettet for år 2000 ba Stortinget Regjeringen om å foreta en bred gjennomgang av sykehusenes økonomiske situasjon, og å legge frem et dokument for Stortinget i vårsesjonen før revidert nasjonalbudsjett. Til hjelp i dette arbeidet knyttet Sosial- og...
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Activity-based financing (ABF) was implemented in the Norwegian hospital sector from 1 July 1997. A fraction (30 to 50 per cent) of the block grant from the state to the county councils has been replaced by a matching grant depending upon the number and composition of hospital treatments. As a...
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The paper examines the heterogeneity with respect to the impact of a financial reform - Activity Based Financing (ABF) - on hospital efficiency in Norway. Measures of technical efficiency and of cost-efficiency are considered. The data set is from a contiguous ten-year panel of 47 hospitals...
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