Showing 1 - 10 of 12
This paper summarizes the outlines of three empirical studies that we have carried out on actual labour market value of the various types of competencies acquired in higher education and how these competencies may be taught most effectively. The focus is on the discipline-specific competencies...
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This paper provides new insight into the role of higher educational programmes in allocation and performance during the transition from education to the labour market. Using a unique data set on the labour market situation of graduates in nine European countries, we investigate the significance...
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A general conclusion of the youth job training programme (YJTP) evaluationliterature is that these programmes are more effective when completed. Yet,YJTPs suffer from substantial dropout problems. This paper studies the extent ofthe dropout phenomenon and under which circumstances dropout is...
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In dit rapport is onderzocht hoe afstandsgevoelig jongeren in het voortgezet onderwijs (vmbo/havo) zijn bij de overgang naar het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs (mbo) en welke invloed de ruimtelijke spreiding van mboopleidingen over opleidingslocaties heeft op de keuze voor één van de sectoren...
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At the beginning of the nineteen-eighties, the Dutch economy was in a poor state.Successive oil crises had hit the industrial sector particularly hard. This promptedgovernment to set up an authoritative committee, led by former Shell presidentWagner. The committee was asked to advise on the...
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In this paper, we compare experience-earnings profiles of employees with vocational andgeneral education background in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom,three countries with fundamentally different education systems. Using Mixed-EffectsLinear Regression Models we show that earnings...
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In mei 2003 heeft Hogeschool INHOLLAND het Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA) van de Universiteit Maastricht opdracht verleend een instrument te ontwikkelen waarmee de mening van het werkveld over de kwaliteit van haar opleidingen in kaart kan worden gebracht. Het instrument is...
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The question whether graduates of business administration (BA) are better prepared for supervisory jobs and have a greater chance of acquiring supervisory jobs than non-BA economics graduates, forms the central theme of the paper. In addition, special attention is given to the question whether...
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In this study, we explore the role of education in explaining the labour market outcomes for graduates in medicine. More specifically, we focus on the question: To what extent are labour market outcomes of physicians explained by the skills acquired in education, as argued in the theory of Human...
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We estimate educational production functions for seven Eastern European transition countries, using student-level TIMSS data for lower secondary education. The results show substantial effects of student background on educational performance and a much lower impact of resources and the...
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