Showing 1 - 6 of 6
In this paper we analyze the bank lending channel in Hungary. We provide a brief overview of the theory and the empirical approaches used to investigate the existence of bank lending channel. From the possible methods we use the generally applied approach suggested by Kahsyap and Stein (1995)...
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In this paper we analyze the bank lending channel in Hungary. We provide a brief overview of the theory and the empirical approaches used to investigate the existence of bank lending channel. From the possible methods we use the generally applied approach suggested by Kahsyap and Stein (1995)...
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This paper studies the pass-through from the short-term money market rate to various forint denominated bank rates in Hungary between 1997-2004. The analysis is based on linear and non-linear error correction models (ECMs), using both aggregated and bank level data. According to the linear ECM...
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Elemzésünkben hibakorrekciós modellek segítségével vizsgáljuk a piaci hozamok és a banki forinthitel- és forintbetéti kamatok közötti transzmissziót az 1997-2004-as periódusra - mind aggregált, mind egyedi banki adatokra vonatkozóan. Lineáris modellünk alapján a rövid...
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