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A surge in COVID-19 incidence in early April has shown that the world pandemic has not yet passed its peak. Morningstar and Fitch rating agencies forecast a reduction in global GDP in 2020 by 1.4% and 1.9%, respectively, while the Chinese economy will be the one to be hardest hit by the...
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Russian Abstract: Рост заболеваемости COVID-19 в начале апреля показывает, что пик пандемии в мире еще не пройден. Рейтинговые агентства Morningstar и Fitch прогнозируют сокращение...
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The peak of economic shock resulted from the first wave of COVID-19 has already passed in many countries, and currently, the focus of economic policy is shifting towards recovery. In the context of a gradual resumption of business activity and stabilization in financial markets, the authorities...
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Russian Abstract: Настоящее исследование посвящено оценке степени жесткости цен производителей в российской экономике и выявлению особенностей реакции различных...
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Russian abstract: В 2020 г. пандемия коронавируса спровоцировала крупнейшее со времен Второй мировой войны падение выпуска в мировой экономике. Однако оно оказалось...
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In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic triggered the largest drop in global output since World War II. However, it turned out to be less than expected at the beginning of the pandemic. International organizations are improving global economic outlook as the vaccination of the population accelerates...
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In Q3 2020, the pace of economic recovery in many countries turned out to be higher than expected. However, this growth only in part offset the deep recession that had been observed in Q2. In the majority of countries, output is well below its pre-crisis levels. The “second wave” of the...
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