Showing 1 - 10 of 34
Formålet med denne rapporten er å beskrive de nordiske lands tjenesteprofiler innenfor de kommunale omsorgstjenestene. Med tjenesteprofil menes blant annet antall brukere og type brukergrupper, tjenestens organisering og tjenestens driftskostnader, samt fordelingen mellom hjemmebasert versus...
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Norge, som alle andre vestlige land, står foran en periode med betydelig økning i antall eldre. Økningen både i antall og andel eldre blir feilaktig beskrevet som en ”eldrebølge”. Beskrivelsen er feilaktig fordi flere eldre ikke er et forbigående fenomen. Det er ingen bølge. Økningen...
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Denne rapporten skal i følge oppdraget fra ESO gi en oversiktlig beskrivelse og diskusjon av problemer i helsesektorene i de nordiske land. Diskusjonen legger større vekt på bredde enn på dybde. Oversiktlige beskrivelser kombinert med teori kan bidra med innsikt for lesere som ikke vet så...
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We study the impact of competition on primary care physicians’specialty referrals. Our data come from a Norwegian survey in 2008-9 and Statistics Norway. From the data we construct three measures of competition the number of open primary physician practices with and without population...
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Pay-for-performance schemes targeting quality improvements and cost reductions in markets for medical care have become increasingly popular among health policy- makers during the last decade. Typically, such schemes attach financial incentives to a set of indicators which consist of some...
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Quality improvements in markets for medical care are key objectives in any Health reform. An important question is whether disclosing physicians’ performance can contribute to achieving these goals. Due to the asymmetric information inherent in medical markets, one may argue that changes in...
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A central theme in the international debate on genetic testing concerns the extent to which insurance companies should be allowed to use genetic information in their design of insurance contracts. This issue is analysed within a model with the following important feature: A person's well-being...
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What factors contribute to the utilization of specialist health care in Norway, and to what extent is the policy goal of allocating health care according to peoples medical need fulfilled? With this scope the authors analyse the impact of a person's health relative to the impact of access to...
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Activity-based financing (ABF) was implemented in the Norwegian hospital sector from 1 July 1997. A fraction (30 to 50 per cent) of the block grant from the state to the county councils has been replaced by a matching grant depending upon the number and composition of hospital treatments. As a...
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Økonomisk evaluering er et verktøy som har fått økende anvendelse som beslutningsgrunnlag ved prioriteringer i helsevesenet. Fordi det er knapphet på ressurser er det nødvendig å vurdere om nytten av ressursbruken eller ressursfordelingen står i et akseptabelt forhold til kostnadene. Det...
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