Showing 1 - 10 of 32
Data and information for this report were provided by twelve countries to enable the Agency to successfully test the proposed EUROWATERNET methodology for demonstrating the state and trends of groundwater in selected groundwater bodies with reference to nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and dissolved...
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This report describes the work carried out by the European Topic Centre on Inland Waters in 1999 and highlights the progress made.
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Die Absicht dieses Berichts ist es, Ministern, Beamten, politischen Entscheidungsträgern und sonstigen Personen, die ein Interesse am Schutz unserer Gewässer haben, einen allgemeinen Überblick über die wichtigsten Wasserprobleme in Europa zu geben. Er ist eine Zusammenfassung der Arbeit der...
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This report is intended to give ministers, senior civil servants, other policy-makers and others with an interest to protect our waters a broad overview of the major water issues in Europe. It represents a distillation of the work undertaken by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its...
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This report is intended to give ministers, senior civil servants, other policy-makers and others with an interest to protect our waters a broad overview of the major water issues in Europe. It represents a distillation of the work undertaken by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its...
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The Baltic is the largest brackish water system in the world. Its only connection to more open seas are the shallow sounds between Sweden and Denmark. x01x02 The sea is slowly shrinking because of geological uplifting of land after the last glaciation. x01x02 In many respects the Baltic is...
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Nearly 87 % of the Black Sea is entirely anoxic (without oxygen) and contains high levels of hydrogen sulphide. This is the result of past geological events, its shape and its specific water balance (high degree of isolation from the world ocean, deep water depression with a maximum depth of 2...
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The Arctic Ocean covers a large area with harsh climatic conditions. x01x02 There are strong seasonal and geographical variations in light, temperature and ice cover. x01x02 The European part of the Arctic Ocean covers only about 8 % of the total area of the Arctic Ocean, but due to its great...
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The North Sea is a shallow and rather young ecosystem formed by the flooding of a landmass some 20 000 years ago. Its coasts and waters are still being colonised by new species from the Atlantic. The strong coupling between benthic and pelagic communities in the shallow parts of the sea makes it...
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The Caspian is the largest enclosed sea in the world. It is brackish, with salinity up to 13.7 u0089. Significant changes in water levels occur. These, combined with the presence of large shallow areas, constitute a potential threat to biodiversity and especially to the many endemic species. The...
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