Showing 1 - 10 of 15
Russian Abstract: Несмотря на почти двукратное падение цен на нефть, торговое сальдо в I кв. сократилось не так сильно, как это случилось, например, в начале 2009 г. Масштабы...
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Russian Abstract: Майская экономическая статистика демонстрирует продолжение и развитие негативных тенденций, обозначившихся еще в апреле: несмотря на...
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Russian Abstract: В настоящий момент экономика демонстрирует признаки, скорее, не кризиса, а депрессии. С одной стороны, статистика промышленности на уровне...
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According to our forecast, the period 2017–2018 will see renewed growth of practically every main socioeconomic activity index, even under the scenario geared to a persistently unfavorable external situation. The economy will be able to show only weak growth at a rate of 2% в per annum....
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The economic development indicators in the Russian Federation over the first half-year of 2015 and the initial data on the movement of the main macroeconomic indices in July-August 2015 are such that they have necessitated a downward adjustment of the main macroeconomic indices plotted in the...
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Russian Abstract: Данные экономической статистики за апрель продемонстрировали серьезное ускорение спада в годовом выражении как по промышленности в целом (-5,5% к...
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Russian Abstract: Показатели развития экономики РФ в 1 полугодии 2015 г. и первые данные о динамике основных макроэкономических показателей в июле-августе 2015-го...
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The lower scale of GDP decline in 2015–2016 that resulted from the revision, by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), of its previously released data produced a ‘base effect' which, in its turn, scaled down the existing forecasts for 2017–2018: the reported recovery...
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In Q 3-4 2016, Russia's economy entered the phase of cyclical growth from the lowest point of the business cycle, its typical feature being the unstable movement patterns of the main socioeconomic development indicators. Inflation hit its historic low. The ruble's strengthening boosted the...
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Developments that unfolded in Q1 2016, particularly the decline of crude oil prices down to a 12-year low, may result in worse-than-expected outcomes at 2016 year-end. Unlike the forecast that we made in January, we have revised down our 2016 baseline scenario for GDP growth rates from -1.4% to...
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