Showing 1 - 10 of 107
Depuis la guerre russe en Ukraine, de nombreux pays européens se sont efforcés de trouver des sources d'énergie alternatives. L'une des réponses consistait à augmenter les importations de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL). En contournant l'utilisation de gazoducs venant de l'Est en construisant...
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Since Russia's war in Ukraine, many European countries have been scrambling to find alternative energy sources. One of the answers was to increase imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG). By bypassing the use of pipelines from the East by building LNG terminals, the EU opened up a wider variety...
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Promising growth rates, increased trade, and competition among major global players for African resources have boosted the development and bargaining power of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in relation to the EU. However, Africa's least developed countries remain vulnerable to external shocks....
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Promising growth rates, increased trade, and competition among major global players for African resources have boosted the development and bargaining power of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in relation to the EU. However, Africa's least developed countries remain vulnerable to external shocks....
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Promising growth rates, increased trade, and competition among major global players for African resources have boosted the development and bargaining power of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in relation to the EU. However, Africa's least developed countries remain vulnerable to external shocks....
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Promising growth rates, increased trade, and competition among major global players for African resources have boosted the development and bargaining power of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in relation to the EU. However, Africa's least developed countries remain vulnerable to external shocks....
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Promising growth rates, increased trade, and competition among major global players for African resources have boosted the development and bargaining power of sub-Saharan Af-rica (SSA) in relation to the EU. However, Africa's least developed countries remain vulner-able to external shocks....
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Flucht und Migration aus den Ländern der Dritten Welt haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten ein vorher nie gekanntes Ausmaß angenommen und sie werden zukünftig voraussichtlich noch alles bisher Dagewesene übertreffen. Afrika ist von diesen Wanderungsbewegungen besonders stark betroffen. Obwohl...
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French Abstract: Le bonheur est un état d'esprit universel. Cependant, sa signification prend des formes spécifiques à la culture, allant des états d'esprit émotionnels à la satisfaction générale de la vie. La définition du « bonheur » est fortement influencée par le contexte...
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French Abstract: L'argent dirige le monde. L'importance de l'argent est toutefois bien plus grande que ne le laissent entendre la théorie économique conventionnelle et ses équations héroïques. Les gens ont inventé leurs propres formes de monnaie, ils ont utilisé l'argent d'une manière...
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