Showing 1 - 10 of 15
Le plan d’accompagnement et de suivi des chômeurs introduit en juillet 2004 combine encouragements et menaces de sanctions. D’un côté, l’effort de recherche des chômeurs indemnisés est contrôlé plus étroitement et des sanctions sont prévues si cet effort est jugé insuffisant. De...
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Het Plan voor de Begeleiding en de Opvolging van werklozen, dat in juli 2004 in België werd ingevoerd, combineert stimuli en sancties. Enerzijds wordt het zoeken naar werk van uitkeringsgerechtigde werklozen nauwgezetter gecontroleerd en gesanctioneerd indien onvoldoende zoekinspanningen...
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We derive a general optimal income tax formula when individuals respond along both the intensive and extensive margins and when income effects can prevail. Individuals are heterogeneous across two dimensions: their skill and their disutility of participation. Preferences over consumption and...
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This article examines unemployment disparities and efficiency in a densely populated economy with two job centers and workers distributed between them. We introduce commuting costs and search-matching frictions to deal with the spatial mismatch between workers and firms. In equilibrium, there...
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This paper studies equilibrium unemployment in a two-region economy where homogeneous workers and jobs are free to move and the housing market clears. Because of the Internet, searching for a job in another region without first migrating there is nowadays much simpler than in the past....
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Les évaluations négatives de l’effort de recherche d’emploi pleuvent-elles ? Les chômeurs cherchent-ils trop peu ? A en croire les titres récents dans les médias, ceci ne fait aucun doute. Nous montrons qu’à y regarder de plus près, ces conclusions sont incorrectes.
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This paper develops a partial equilibrium job search model to study the behavioral and welfare implications of an Unemployment Insurance (UI) scheme in which job search requirements are imposed on UI recipients with hyperbolic preferences. We show that, if the search requirements are well...
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This paper argues that, for a given overall level of labour income taxation, a more progressive tax schedule reduces the unemployment rate and increases the employment rate. From a theoretical point of view, higher progressivity induces a wage-moderation effect and increases overall employment...
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We develop and estimate a non-stationary job search model to evaluate as scheme that monitors job search effort and sanctions insured unemployed whose effort is deemed insufficient. The model reveals that such schemes provide incentives to the unemployed to front-load search effort prior to...
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We develop a methodology to sign output distortions in the random participation framework. We apply our method to monopoly nonlinear pricing problem, to the regulatory monopoly problem and mainly to the optimal income tax problem. In the latter framework, individuals are heterogeneous across two...
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