Showing 41 - 47 of 47
This discussion paper resulted in a publication in the 'Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications', 2010, 144, 391-407. <p> Tucker's well-known combinatorial lemma states that for any given symmetric triangulation of the n-dimensional unit cube and for any integer labeling that assigns to...</p>
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This discussion paper led to a publication in <A href="">, 'Journal of Environmental Economics and Management'</A>, 63(3), 388-403.<p>In this paper we consider the problem of sharing water from a river among a group of agents (countries, cities, firms) located along the river. The benefit of each agent depends on...</p></a>
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This discussion paper resulted in a publication in <I>De Economist</I> (2001). Volume 149, p. 33-51.<P> In this paper the behavior of producers in a social environment is considered from a more sociological point of view than is usually done in economics. The producers play Bertrand price competition...</p></i>
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A situation in which a finite set of players can obtain certain payoffs by cooperation can be described by a cooperative game with transferable utility, or simply a TU-game. A solution for TU-games assigns a set of payoff vectors to every TU-game. Some solutions that are based on distributing...
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In a standard general equilibrium model it is assumed that there are no price restictionsand that prices adjust infinitely fast to their equilibrium values. In this paper the set ofadmissible prices is allowed to be an arbitrary convex set. For such an arbitrary set it cannotbe guaranteed that...
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Any function from a non-empty polytope into itself that is locally gross direction preserving is shown to have the fixed point property. Brouwer's fixed point theorem for continuous functions is a special case. We discuss the application of the result in the area of non-cooperative game...</p>
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This discussion paper led to a publication in <A href="">'Economic Theory'</A>, 47(1), 175-88.<p>A situation in which a finite set of players can obtain certain payoffs by cooperation can be described by a cooperative game with transferable utility, or simply a TU-game. A (single-valued) solution for TU-games...</p></a>
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