Showing 1 - 10 of 26
Les etudes sur le revenu annuel avant et apres la retraite visent a determiner dans quelle mesure le revenu diminue a ce stade important de la vie. Bien que ces etudes aient une portee et un objet variables, on s'entend generalement pour dire que le regime canadien de revenu de retraite offre...
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Studies of pre- and post-retirement annual income have focused on the extent to which income falls at this crucial stage in life. Although these studies vary in scope and intent, the overall consensus is that the Canadian retirement income system provides income replacement rates that are in the...
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La securite financiere des veuves et des femmes divorcees durant la retraite est depuis longtemps un sujet de preoccupation. Dans le present article, la question est examinee dans le contexte de travaux de recherche sur les < taux de remplacement du revenu >, c'est-a-dire la mesure dans laquelle le revenu familial durant les...</taux>
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The financial security of widowed and divorced women during their retirement years has long been a concern. This paper places this issue within the context of research on replacement rates, the extent to which family income during the working years (here, the mid-50s) is "replaced" as...
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The report examined the location of jobs in 27 census metropolitan areas, paying particular attention to developments in Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa-Hull, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver. It also analysed the modes commuters used to travel to work, emphasising public transit and...
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Les auteurs de nombreuses etudes des heures de travail ont tire d'importantes conclusions des resultats des enquetes transversales. Par exemple, a tout moment donne, la part des personnes qui travaillent de longues heures est assez importante. En outre, elle semble avoir augmente au cours des...
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This article summarizes findings from the research paper entitled: Tariff Reduction and Employment in Canadian Manufacturing, 1988-1994. At the end of the 1980s, Canada and the United States reached an agreement to phase out import tariffs over a 10-year period beginning January 1st, 1989. This...
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This article summarizes findings from the research paper entitled: Work Hours Instability in Canada. Numerous studies of working hours have drawn important conclusions from cross-sectional surveys. For example, the share of individuals working long hours is quite large at any given point in...
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This paper investigates the link between financial structure and employment growth, and the link between financial structure and inventory growth, among incorporated Canadian manufacturers from 1988 to 1997. It finds that financially vulnerable firms - smaller firms and those with higher...
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Le present document vise a determiner dans quelle mesure le revenu familial gagne pendant les annees de travail est < remplace > pendant les annees de retraite. A cette fin, on suit des cohortes au fur et a mesure qu'elles avancent en age, a partir du milieu de la cinquantaine jusqu'a la fin de leur...</remplace>
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