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We Present a Model of a Mineral Producing Sector Where Irreversible Investment in Capacity and the Presence of Orebodies Which Differ in Quality and Volume Help Explain Some Important Stylized Facts. in Particular We Find That, While Deposits Are Exhausted in Declining Order of Grade, More Than...
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In This Note, We Explain Why Comparing the Total Factor Productivities of Extractive, and Non Extractive, Sectors Is Likely to Be Misleading; Then We Propose a Correction and Implement It for the Cas of Asbestos, Where It Turns Out to Make a Significant Difference.
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En Presence de Selection Adverse les Assures Ne Sont Pas Incites a Reveler les Vrais Risques Qu'ils Representent et Il Est Couteux Pour les Assureurs D'observer Ces Risques. Dans Ce Texte, Nous Presentons Deux Strategies Dans Lesquelles L'assureur Utilise L'information Associee a L'experience...
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Cet Article Adapte la Theorie de L'investissement En Situation de Certitude au Cas de la Firme Extractive. on Distingue Demandes Ex Ante et Demandes Ex Post Auxquelles Est Consacre L'essentiel de L'article. Comme les Contraintes Qui Sont Presentes Ex Post Affectent les Decisions Ex Ante, on...
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It Is Possible to Think of Numerous Economic Problems Involving Dynamic Constrained Optimization Where Dual Representation Exist and Possibly Can Be Characterized. One Example Arises in the Theory of Dynamic Factor Demand And, More Generally, Investment Decisions. Its Duality Structure Has Been...
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In Order to Compute an Index of Total Factor Productivity, It Is Necessary to Know Returns to Scale and Interval Valuations of Quasi-Fixed Factors; Neither Are Directly Observable. in Resource Industries This Problem Is Compounded by the Facts That Returns to Scale Are Important and That There...
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In This Note, We Present the Appropriate Forms of Shephard's Lemma, As Well As the Curvature and Homogeneity Properties, for the Case of a Rate-Of- Return Regulated Cost Function Where Capital Is a Quasi-Fixed Input.
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On Demontre Qu'un Producteur D'un Materiau Recyclable Detenant une Position de Monopoleur Cherchera a Empecher L'entree Dans le Marche de Firmes Concurrentielles de Recyclage, a Moins Que le Cout du Recyclage Soit Tres Faible Par Rapport au Cout de Production du Materiau Primaire. on Demontre...
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