Showing 1 - 10 of 47
In order to achieve cost-effective RES-E deployment it is often argued that technology-neutral support schemes for renewables are indispensable. Against this background, RES-E support policies making widely use of technology differentiation in remuneration settings, e.g. across the EU, are...
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In order to achieve cost-effective RES-E deployment it is often argued that technology-neutral support schemes for renewables are indispensable. Against this background, RES-E support policies making widely use of technology differentiation in remuneration settings, e.g. across the EU, are...
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Die Corona-Pandemie, insbesondere aber auch die Maßnahmen zu ihrer Eindämmung, führen aktuell zu einer schweren volkswirtschaftlichen Krise. Um diese zu bewältigen, wird von vielen Seiten staatliche Hilfe und Unterstützung erwartet. Zahlreiche Rettungs- und Ausgabenprogramme wurden...
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Bottom-up processes of policy convergence are increasingly discussed as a substitute for the absence of supranational energy policy coordination and harmonization in the EU. The overall objective of this paper is to analyse the development of government support to renewable energy R&D across EU...
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Die Corona-Pandemie, insbesondere aber auch die Maßnahmen zu ihrer Eindämmung, führen aktuell zu einer schweren volkswirtschaftlichen Krise. Um diese zu bewältigen, wird von vielen Seiten staatliche Hilfe und Unterstützung erwartet. Zahlreiche Rettungs- und Ausgabenprogramme wurden...
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Bottom-up processes of policy convergence are increasingly discussed as a substitute for the absence of supranational energy policy coordination and harmonization in the EU. The overall objective of this paper is to analyse the development of government support to renewable energy R&D across EU...
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In this paper, we employ a public choice perspective to analyze the development of policies for renewable energy sources (RES) in the EU in general and in Germany more specifically. In doing so, we explain the main characteristics of current RES policies in the EU by reference to the...
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While there is relatively limited disagreement on the general need for supporting the deployment of renewable energy sources for electricity generation (RES-E), there are diverging views on whether the granted support levels should be technology-neutral or technology-specific. In this paper we...
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To decarbonize the power sector policy-makers need to commit to long-term credible rules for climate and energy policy. Otherwise, time-inconsistent policy-making will impair investments into low-carbon technologies. However, the future benefits and costs of decarbonization are subject to...
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Nach langem Ringen und begleitet von großer öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit ist das Gesetz zur grundlegenden Neuordnung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes nunmehr zum 1.8.2014 in Kraft getreten und löst das keine drei Jahre alte Vorgängergesetz ab. Eine grundlegende Neuordnung ist zwar nicht...
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