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The global crisis is forcing China’s economy to become less dependent on foreign markets. Manufacturing industry has to adjust to changes in international demand. Foreign affiliates’ processed exports are vulnerable to the slow-down of Western demand, while Chinese exporting firms are better...
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Depuis le milieu des années 2000, un rééquilibrage économique du territoire chinois s’est amorcé en faveur des régions intérieures. Leur rattrapage résulte d’un processus de convergence à l'œuvre dans l'industrie manufacturière depuis la fin des années 1990 et qui témoigne de...
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En 2013, la Chine est devenue la première puissance commerciale du monde. La progression des échanges extérieurs du pays continue à être plus rapide que celle du commerce international, mais ses ressorts sont différents de ceux qui prévalaient avant la crise globale. La participation de...
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Since the early phase of the country modernization, the center of gravity of China’s economy has been alternately located in the coastal area (Blue China) and in inland area (Yellow China). Such a shift is now taking place in China’s economic geography: the interior regions are catching up...
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La Chine a été un acteur majeur dans la montée des déséquilibres mondiaux au milieu des années 2000. Elle a réduit son excédent commercial global depuis 2007, mais conserve des excédents massifs sur les États-Unis et l'Europe. Sa demande d'importation s'est principalement adressée à...
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Since 2007 China has considerably reduced its external global imbalances. Its bilateral trade surpluses with the EU and the US have persisted because the rise of China’s import demand has mainly benefited its Asian neighbors and the resource rich countries. The rapid growth of China’s...
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China was a major player in the rise of global imbalances in the mid-2000s. If its overall trade surplus has decreased since 2007, its bilateral surpluses with the U.S. and Europe remain quite large. China’s import demand has mainly benefited to its Asian neighbors and to raw material...
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Asian foreign exchange markets are under pressure. Since 2007, good macroeconomic fundamentals, favourable growth prospects and high interest rates have made the emerging countries a favourite destination for capital. Though the crisis interrupted these flows at the end of 2008, the American...
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Since the mid-2000s, the center of gravity of China's economic growth has shifted from the coastline to the inland and the gap in GDP per capita between the two areas has narrowed. This macroeconomic catch-up reflects, with a time lag, the convergence process which has been at work in...
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China and India have successfully integrated into the world economy. Once specialised in textiles, they have developed new export-oriented sectors linked to the information and communication technology (ICT), taking advantage of the globalisation process which has enlarged access to new...
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