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In spite of much anecdotal evidence and some case studies regarding the size and characteristics of the inter-provincial workforce in Alberta, comprehensive information remains scarce. This is due in part to the many challenges faced in trying to enumerate a mobile population. Drawing on...
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En depit des nombreuses donnees anecdotiques et de certaines etudes de cas au sujet de la taille et des caracteristiques de la main-d'oeuvre interprovinciale en Alberta, les renseignements detailles demeurent limites. Cette situation est attribuable en partie aux nombreuses difficultes associees...
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This study documents how hiring rates, separation rates, and worker reallocation rates evolved from the late 1970s to the late 2000s. It also examines how the pace of labour reallocation varied across industries, firm sizes, provinces, age groups, and education levels during the 2000s.
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Canada's oil reserves are concentrated in three Canadian provinces: Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Oil prices received by Canadian oil producers more than doubled between 2001 and 2008. The proportion of young men employed in the oil industry differs markedly across...
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La presente etude examine comment les salaires des travailleurs canadiens ont evolue de 1981 a 2011, selon cinq dimensions : sexe, age, niveau de scolarite, industrie et profession.
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Les reserves de petrole du Canada sont concentrees dans trois provinces : l'Alberta, la Saskatchewan et Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. Les prix du petrole qu'obtiennent les producteurs canadiens ont plus que double entre 2001 et 2008. La proportion de jeunes hommes ayant un emploi dans l'industrie du...
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Le travail autonome est percu comme un moyen important, pour de nombreux immigrants, d'entrer sur le marche du travail. Toutefois, on sait peu de choses au sujet du travail autonome des enfants d'immigrants. A partir des donnees des recensements de la population du Canada de 1981 et 2006 et au...
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Immigrants in major industrialized countries are disproportionately represented in self-employment as compared to the domestic-born. Using a generational cohort method and data from the 20% sample file of the 1981 Canadian Census and the 20% sample file of the 2006 Canadian Census, this study...
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Self-employment has been regarded as an important pathway for many immigrants to engage in the labour market. However, little is known about self-employment among the children of immigrants. Using the 1981 and 2006 Canadian censuses of population and a generational cohort method of analysis,...
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This study examines how real wages of Canadian workers evolved from 1981 to 2011 across five dimensions: gender, age, education, industry, and occupation.
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