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The recovery of the German economy needs more time. Ongoing precautionary measures to protect against infection as well as the supply bottlenecks will slow down the catch-up process in the winter. Especially in those service sector that have been particularly affected by the pandemic the...
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The second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic has interrupted the recovery in Germany. GDP is set to decline in the first quarter of this year, after stagnating in the previous quarter. However, with the vaccination campaign progressing, the economic burden of the pandemic will ease and the recovery...
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The German economy is recovering from the COVID-19 shock. With the successful containment of the coronavirus, output has quickly rebounded from its trough in April and has made up a good part of the losses within a few months. This strong momentum essentially reflects the normalization of...
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The German economy is facing strong headwinds. In recent months, economic momentum has continued to slow down and companies are much more pessimistic about the future. The high level of global economic policy uncertainty likely was an important contributing factor. Gross domestic product (GDP)...
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The upswing in Germany is starting to falter. In the third quarter, the economy shrank for the first time in three years. This decline was primarily due to special factors. In particular, problems with the new vehicle certification standard (WLTP) affected the automotive industry. In addition to...
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The spread of the coronavirus will have a considerable impact on the German economy. The economy will be hit in a situation in which it was just about to regain footing after the downturn of the past year. Recently, signs have been increasing that industrial production is finding its bottom and...
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The German economy is recovering only gradually. After a weak summer half-year, gross domestic product will hardly do more than stagnate in the final quarter of the current year. Economic activity still provides two contrasting pictures. The main reason for the ongoing downturn, which began last...
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Die deutsche Wirtschaft ist auf Erholungskurs. Die Wirtschaftsleistung hat sich mit der erfolgreichen Eindämmung der Corona-Pandemie von ihrem Tiefpunkt im April rasch wieder gelöst und einen Gutteil der Verluste innerhalb weniger Monate wettgemacht. Diese hohe Dynamik spiegelt im Wesentlichen...
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Die Konjunktur in Deutschland fasst nur allmählich wieder Tritt. Nach einem schwachen Sommerhalbjahr dürfte das Bruttoinlandsprodukt auch im Abschlussquartal des laufenden Jahres kaum mehr als stagnieren. Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung bleibt dabei zweigeteilt. Maßgeblich für den...
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Der Aufschwung in Deutschland gerät zunehmend ins Stocken. Im dritten Quartal ging die Wirtschaftsleistung zum ersten Mal seit drei Jahren zurück. Dieser Rückgang war vor allem Sonderfaktoren geschuldet. Insbesondere schlugen die Probleme mit dem neuen WLTP-Zulassungsverfahren beim...
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