Showing 41 - 50 of 81
The present study illustrates the differential impact on regional economies of relative price changes stemming from commodity price movements, exchange rate changes and changes in international manufactured goods prices. It focuses on Canadian provinces, which are a large, geographically...
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Les evaluations du rendement d'une economie se basent souvent sur une mesure du produit interieur brut (PIB) reel par habitant, lequel represente la remuneration moyenne (revenu du travail plus services du capital) generee par la production interieure au sein d'une economie. Puisque le PIB...
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This paper examines whether or not the long-term government bond rate could reasonably be employed as the rate of return on public capital when calculating public sector gross domestic product. It finds that the rate of return on public capital is lower than often reported and is roughly...
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This paper examines the effect of aberrant observations in the Capital, Labour, Energy, Materials and Services (KLEMS) database and a method for dealing with them. The level of disaggregation, data construction and economic shocks all potentially lead to aberrant observations that can influence...
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Dans ce document, on procede a un examen empirique de la facon dont a evolue l'economie canadienne suite a la montee des prix des produits de base et a la valorisation du dollar canadien amorcees en 2003. Le reamenagement de l'industrie manufacturiere a merite une attention considerable, car...
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Le present document porte sur l'effet des observations atypiques presentes dans la base de donnees KLEMS (capital, travail, energie, matieres et services) et propose une methode pour le contrer. Le niveau de desagregation, la construction des donnees et les chocs economiques peuvent se traduire...
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Ce document traite de l'effet des variations des prix des importations et des exportations sur le bien etre economique du Canada et de chaque province. Il decrit la facon dont les changements des termes de l'echange et les fluctuations du ratio des prix des biens echanges aux prix des biens non...
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This paper examines the impact of import and export price changes on economic welfare in Canada, and in each of the provinces. It examines how terms of trade shifts and fluctuations in the ratio of traded to non-traded goods prices affect the purchasing power of domestic production. Terms of...
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Evaluations of an economy's economic performance are often made using a measure of real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, which represents the average remuneration (labour income plus capital services) that an economy generates through domestic production. Because real GDP is a constant...
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This paper empirically investigates how the Canadian economy has evolved following the rise in commodity prices and appreciation of the Canadian dollar that began in 2003. The adjustment in the manufacturing industry has garnered the greatest attention because it has borne the brunt of job...
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