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Le present rapport decrit les revisions apportees a la mesure de la croissance de la productivite multifactorielle (PMF) et aux variables connexes dans le secteur des entreprises et pour differentes industries. Ces revisions ont decoule de la revision historique du Systeme de comptabilite...
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This paper highlights revisions to multifactor productivity (MFP) growth and related variables in the business sector and in individual industries, which resulted from the historical revision of the Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA) released October 1, 2012, revisions to the labour...
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Le present document fournit un apercu du programme de productivite de Statistique Canada et une breve description du rendement du Canada en matiere de productivite. Il definit la productivite et les diverses mesures utilisees pour examiner les differentes facettes de la croissance de la...
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This paper provides an overview of the productivity program at Statistics Canada and a brief description of Canada?s productivity performance. The paper defines productivity and the various measures that are used to investigate different aspects of productivity growth. It describes the...
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This article in the Economic Insights series summarizes results from current Statistics Canada research on investment and capital stock accumulation. It reports on the study, Intangible Capital and Productivity Growth in Canada.Compiling information on wealth accumulation has been central to...
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This paper develops a measure of intangible capital and examines the contribution of intangibles to labour productivity growth in the Canadian business sector. It applies the methodology developed by Corrado et al. (2005, 2009) for the United States. The paper finds that investment in...
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This article in the Economic Insights series is based on the research paper Natural Resources, the Terms of Trade, and Real Income Growth in Canada: 1870 to 2010. The research paper examines the importance of resource products in Canada's trade and real income growth
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This paper studies the growth of the Canadian resource economy and the contribution of trading gains arising from increasing terms of trade to real income growth from 1870 to 2010. It combines a historical account of the growth of a succession of natural resources — examining both the...
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This paper presents estimates of intangible investment in Canada for the purpose of innovation, advertising and resource extraction. It first expands upon work by Beckstead and Gellatly (2003), Baldwin and Hanel (2003), Beckstead and Gellatly (2003), Beckstead and Vinodrai (2003) and Baldwin and...
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This paper examines the challenges that the manufacturing sector has faced over the last half century - focusing on both long- and short-term performance. It first examines whether there is evidence that this sector is in long-term decline. The paper also investigates how the industry has...
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