Showing 1 - 10 of 12
Das reale Wirtschaftswachstum wird heuer 1,7% erreichen, neuerlich merklich weniger als im langfristigen Durchschnitt. Dämpfend wirken vor allem die hohen Energiepreise. Sie steigern die Inflationsrate und drücken die Konsumnachfrage der privaten Haushalte. Die Exportwirtschaft wächst nach...
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Economic growth in Austria is set to decelerate to an average 2.1 percent in volume this year. This is primarily the consequence of the international financial crisis that originated from US real estate markets. Scope and duration of that crisis can still not be reliably assessed at present. The...
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Austria's economy is expected to grow by 2.4 percent in volume in 2006. Exports and gross fixed capital formation will sustain the cyclical recovery, while private household demand will hardly pick up from its current weakness. In-flation should decelerate, leading to moderate real income gains....
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GDP growth in Austria is set to abate from 3.4 percent in 2007 to 2.2 percent in 2008. A first preview to 2009 suggests a rate of growth around 2 percent. Main reason for the deceleration is a weakening of the international environment, as witnessed by the cyclical downturn in the USA, the...
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GDP in Austria is growing by 3.4 percent in volume this year, ¾ percentage point above the euro area average. Strong business activity is driven by exports and has meanwhile extended to construction and equipment investment. The swift expansion of demand and output is accelerating the growth of...
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Austria's economy is expected to expand by 2.4 percent in real terms this year, slightly faster than the euro area average. Exports and manufacturing output continue to drive activity forward, and a revival of investment in machinery and equipment is deemed imminent. Higher wage settlements and...
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Seit dem Spätherbst 2004 lassen die Impulse aus dem Export nach, und die Sachgütererzeugung verliert an Dynamik. Die Konsumnachfrage der privaten Haushalte hat sich bislang nicht belebt. Im 2. Halbjahr 2005 könnte sich eine leichte Erholung der Konjunktur ergeben, die von einer Stabilisierung...
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As from mid-2009, economic activity in Austria stabilised, supported by exports and manufacturing output. Yet, the tentative rebound has not gained momentum, notably because the turnaround has so far not extended to private investment. Real GDP is therefore expected to grow by no more than 1.3...
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In 2009, economic activity in Austria contracted by 3.4 percent in volume, somewhat less than the euro area average (-3.9 percent). As from the middle of the year, merchandise exports and industrial output started heading up as a result of the expansionary policy stance adopted worldwide. The...
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In 2008, the Austrian economy is set to grow by 2.3 percent in volume. While lively activity in manufacturing, construction and tourism boosted GDP in the first quarter more strongly than expected earlier this year, a cyclical slowdown is under way. A major factor is the unabated increase in oil...
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