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La presente etude porte sur la maniere dont le risque de perte d'emploi et les pertes de revenu a court terme des travailleurs mis a pied ont evolue entre la fin des annees 1970 et le milieu des annees 2000.
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This study examines how the risk of job loss and the short-term earnings losses of laid-off workers evolved between the late 1970s and the mid-2000s.
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Au cours des trois dernieres decennies, le Canada a connu trois recessions : une premiere qui a commence au debut des annees 1980; une deuxieme, au debut des annees 1990; et la plus recente, qui a entraine des baisses de l'emploi a partir d'octobre 2008. Pour chacune de ces recessions, la presente etude...
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Over the last three decades, Canada has experienced three recessions: one that started during the early 1980s; a second that began during the early 1990s; and the most recent one, which led to employment declines starting in October 2008. For each recession, this study: a) examines which workers...
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This study examines which factors underlie the narrowing of wage differences seen between young bachelor?s degree holders and high school graduates from the 2000-to-2002 period to the 2010-to-2012 period and the widening of differences in full-time paid employment rates between these two...
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La presente etude porte sur les facteurs qui ont sous-tendu la diminution des ecarts salariaux entre les jeunes titulaires d?un baccalaureat et ceux titulaires d?un diplome d?etudes secondaires de la periode de 2000 a 2002 a celle de 2010 a 2012, ainsi que l?accroissement des differences de taux...
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This study documents how hiring rates, separation rates, and worker reallocation rates evolved from the late 1970s to the late 2000s. It also examines how the pace of labour reallocation varied across industries, firm sizes, provinces, age groups, and education levels during the 2000s.
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This study examines long-term earnings losses of workers laid off during the early 1990s and the early 2000s using data from Statistics Canada's Longitudinal Worker File (LWF). In contrast to earlier studies, many of which focused on narrowly defined samples, this study compares earnings losses...
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Canada's oil reserves are concentrated in three Canadian provinces: Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Oil prices received by Canadian oil producers more than doubled between 2001 and 2008. The proportion of young men employed in the oil industry differs markedly across...
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La presente etude examine comment les salaires des travailleurs canadiens ont evolue de 1981 a 2011, selon cinq dimensions : sexe, age, niveau de scolarite, industrie et profession.
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