Showing 1 - 10 of 103
This paper sets up a two country monopolistic competition model with intra-industry trade to study the effects of an exogenous differential in wage and social policies on the location of industry. Two model scenarios are considered. In the traditional one with physical capital, such a...
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This paper studies the social desirability of agglomeration and the efficiency arguments for policy intervention in a simple, analytically solvable "new economic geography" model with two trade integrating regions. The location pattern emerging as market equilibrium is "bubble-shaped", i.e. it...
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This paper uses a two country trade and geography model of monopolistic competition to study the effects of wage policies and social policies on the location of industry. It is first shown that a union wage push in one of two otherwise identical countries induces a relocation of firms which...
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The robust empirical finding that exporting firms are systematically different from firms that merely serve domestic consumers has inspired the development of a new brand of trade theory, the theory of heterogeneous firms and trade. The establishment of a canonical model due to Melitz (2003) has...
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In den letzten Monaten stand das deutsche »Exportmodell« in der Kritik. Die deutschen Überschüsse seien mitverantwortlich für die Defizite der Nachbarländer und schaden den Handelspartnern. Ist diese Einschätzung gerechtfertigt? Für Gabriel Felbermayr, Universität Hohenheim, entbehren...
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The last century has witnessed dramatic changes in the world economy. The service (tertiary) sector, which at the beginning of the 20th century was of little importance relative to agriculture and manufacturing, has become the dominant sector today, accounting for 80% and more of value added in...
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In Asien entsteht eine neue Freihandelszone, und auch Lateinamerika plant den Abschluss eines Handelsabkommens. Führt der Aufstieg der neuen Wachstumsmärkte zu einem neuen Kräfteverhältnis auf dem Weltmarkt und einer Verschiebung des Schwerpunkts des Welthandels? Für Barbara Dluhosch,...
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This paper explores the quantitative consequences of transatlantic trade liberalization envisioned in a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the United States and the European Union. Our key innovation is to develop a new quantitative spatial trade model and to use an...
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Die deutsche Volkswirtschaft gibt Rätsel auf: Einerseits ist Deutschland Export-(Vize-)Weltmeister, andererseits leidet es unter einer anhaltenden Wachstums- und Beschäftigungsschwäche. Ist das Exportwachstum Ausdruck ungebrochener internationaler Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und die Wachstums- und...
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