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Dieser Beitrag erläutert die realwirtschaftlichen Ursachen der starken Preisanstiege für Agrarrohstoffe in den Jahren 2007/8 und 2010/11. Er weist darauf hin, dass die schwe-ren Anschuldigen, finanzwirtschaftliche Akteure seien "Hungermacher" oder "Speku-lanten des Todes", gemessen am...
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perspective. The fourth section analyz-es that civil society organizations can contribute to fighting hunger with running falla …
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Dieser Artikel gibt Auskunft über die sog. "Geheim"-Konferenz vom 16. April 2014, zu der die Deutsche Bank nach Frankfurt am Main eingeladen hatte, um mit Kritikern und unabhängigen Sachverständigen über die Terminmarktgeschäfte mit Agrarrohstoffen zu diskutieren.
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factors that caused recent hunger crises, (2) an overview of academic research on the impact of index-based financial … food security. The arguments are supported by numerous graphs. …
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This article formulates three insights that might be helpful in sustainably improving global food security: (a …) Combating hunger requires combating poverty. (b) Public dis-course is often blocked because we fail to ask the right questions … institutionalized solidarity. But exactly this is of utmost importance: An effec-tive fight against global hunger requires …
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factors that caused recent hunger crises, (2) an overview of academic research on the impact of index-based financial … food security. The arguments are supported by numerous graphs. …
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factors that caused recent hunger crises, and (2) an overview on academic research on the impact of index-based financial … improving global food security. The arguments are supported by numerous graphs. …
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This article formulates three insights that might be helpful in sustainably improving global food security: (a …) Combating hunger requires combating poverty. (b) Public discourse is often blocked because we fail to ask the right questions … institutionalized solidarity. But exactly this is of utmost importance: An effective fight against global hunger requires …
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kontraproduktiv. (4) Wer den Hunger in der Welt wirksam bekämpfen will, muss realwirtschaftlich ansetzen und dafür Sorge tragen, dass …This article holds and explains the following propositions: (1) The hunger crises in 2008 and 2010 have their causal …, would be counterproductive. (4) If we want to fight global hunger effectively, we have to take real-economy precautions to …
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