Showing 1 - 10 of 37
Hans Albert hat in einigen Arbeiten den apriorischen Charakter des "neoklassischen Denkstils" kritisiert und treffend als "Modellplatonismus" bezeichnet. Die apriorische Denkhaltung findet sich aber nicht nur in der von Albert kritisierten Neoklassik, sondern vielleicht noch ausgeprägterer bei...
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The German philosopher Hans Albert has critizised the aprioristic nature of the neoclassical style of thought and has characterized it as "model Platonism". Apriorism is not confined to some lines of neoclassical though, however, but is, perhaps even more pronouncedly, present in Austrian...
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Aus neoklassischer Sicht bestimmen sich Löhne und Zinsen (und damit die funktionelle Einkommensverteilung) so, daß eine richtige Wahl der Pruktionsverfahren induziert wird. In neokeynesianischer Sicht bilden sich Löhne und Zinsen (und damit die funktionelle Einkommensverteilung) so, daß der...
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This paper develops a theory of stagflation, based on turnover-efficiency-wage theory. In these theories, wages are forward-looking, i.e., set to keep incumbents with the firm. The employed workers apply for better jobs and compete with unemployed applicants. An employed applicant is, however,...
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This note generalizes Feldstein’s (1976) criticism of Barro’s(1974) analysis for the case that the interest rate exceeds the growth rate. This is done by considering an economy in steady state where all agents hold “Barro expectations”: they believe that government debt must necessarily...
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The paper generalizes Feldstein's criticism (Perceived Wealth in Bonds and Social Security, 1976) of Barro's analysis (Are Government Bonds Real Net Wealth?, 1974) for the case that the interest rate exceeds the growth rate. This is done by considering an economy in steady state where all agents...
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Economists are widely familiar with the Ricardian equivalence thesis. It maintains that, given the time-path of government spending, a change in taxation does not alter the set of feasible life-time consumption plans of the households and affects neither the demand for commodities and services...
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Government bonds are interest-bearing assets. Increasing public debt increases income, wealth, and consumption demand. The smaller government expenditure is, the larger consumption demand must be in equilibrium, and the larger must be public debt. Conversely, lower public debt implies higher...
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This note proposes a growth model that is derived from the standard Solow growth model by replacing the neoclassical production function with Kaldor's technical progress function while maintaining a marginalist theory of factor prices in the spirit suggested by von Weizsäcker (1966, 1966b). The...
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The paper generalizes Feldstein's criticism (Perceived Wealth in Bonds and Social Security, 1976) of Barro's analysis (Are Government Bonds Real Net Wealth?, 1974) for the case that the interest rate exceeds the growth rate. This is done by considering an economy in steady state where all agents...
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