Showing 481 - 490 of 517
This paper examines supervisors' considerations about (not) using monitoring technologies to keep track of subordinates and their work performance. We conduct a factorial survey experiment. The hypothetical descriptions of workplace situations - so-called vignettes - create a situation where the...
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Using representative data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), this paper finds a statistically significant union wage premium in Germany of almost three percent which is not simply a collective bargaining premium. Given that the union membership fee is typically about one percent of...
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Using comprehensive data for West Germany, this paper investigates the determinants of establishment exit. We find that between 1975 and 2006 the average exit rate has risen considerably. In order to test various "liabilities" of establishment survival identified in the literature, we analyze...
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While it is a stylized fact that exporting firms pay higher wages than non-exporting firms, the direction of the link between exporting and wages is less clear. Using a rich set of German linked employer-employee panel data we follow over time plants that start to export. We show that the...
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Using a linked employer-employee dataset and taking the perspective of individuals rather than firms, this paper analyzes some effects of joining start-ups. We show that entrants in new firms differ from those joining incumbent firms, and we use a matching approach to compare a group of...
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Using data from the social survey ALLBUS for West Germany in the period 1980 to 2006, this paper demonstrates that union members are on average older than non-unionized employees. The probability of being unionized shows the inverted U-shaped pattern in age conjectured by Blanchflower (BJIR...
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Viele Regelungen im deutschen Arbeitsrecht gelten nur für Betriebe ab einer bestimmten Größe, wobei derartige Schwellen meist anhand der Beschäftigtenzahl bestimmt werden. Die bestehenden 160 Schwellenwerte sind komplex und inkonsistent definiert, was ihre Beachtung durch die Firmen...
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In dieser Arbeit werden Auswirkungen des deutschen Schwer-behindertengesetzes auf die Arbeitsplatzdynamik mit Daten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit und des IAB-Betriebspanels empirisch überprüft. Die Daten erlauben eine Untersuchung der zweiten Schwelle des Gesetzes von 25 Beschäftigten, bei...
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Eine Auswertung repräsentativer Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels zeigt, dass im Jahr 2000 knapp die Hälfte der westdeutschen, aber nur gut ein Viertel der ostdeutschen Betriebe durch Flächen- oder Firmentarifverträge gebunden waren, wobei die Flächentarifbindung in den letzten Jahren...
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In Germany, many labour laws and regulations apply only in establishments above a critical size, and usually these thresholds are defined by the number of employees. The existing 160 thresholds are complex and defined inconsistently, making it difficult for firms to obey the law. Moreover,...
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