Showing 1 - 10 of 162
The paper discusses global imbalances under the aspect of an asymmetric world monetary system. It identifies the US and Germany as center countries with rising / high current account deficits (US) and surpluses (Germany). These are matched by current account surpluses of countries stabilizing...
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The paper analyses the monetary policy operations of central banks in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). We distinguish the pattern of monetary policy operations of the liquidity providing central banks of the large industrialized countries (creditor central banks) and the liquidity...
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We argue that criticism concerning the Chinese dollar peg is misplaced as no predictable link exists between the exchange rate and the trade balance of an international creditor economy. The stable nominal yuan/dollar rate is argued to have stabilized Chinese, East Asian and global growth....
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The paper analyses the monetary policy operations of central banks in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). We distinguish the pattern of monetary policy operations of the liquidity providing central banks of the large industrialized countries (creditor central banks) and the liquidity...
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The paper discusses global imbalances under the aspect of an asymmetric world monetary system. It identifies the US and euro area (Germany) as center countries with rising current account deficits (US) and surpluses (Germany) which are matched by respective current account surpluses of...
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We test for the impact of exchange rate volatility on growth in emerging market economies based on the theory of optimum currency areas. Our findings provide evidence for a positive impact of exchange rate stability on growth.
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Im November dieses Jahres sollen auf dem G-20-Gipfel in Cannes Vorschläge zur Reform des internationalen Währungssystems vorgelegt werden. Wie sollte ein zukünftiges globales Wechselkursregime gestaltet werden? Jörg Asmussen, Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium der Finanzen, unterstreicht,...
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Before and after the Asian crisis, the dollar has been the dominant anchor and reserve currency in East Asia. Due to underdeveloped capital markets and a very limited international role of the domestic currencies, the East Asian countries (except Japan) are likely to continue exchange rate...
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Die Schweiz ist in den vergangenen Monaten durch die drastische Aufwertung des Schweizer Franken gegenüber dem Euro unter Druck geraten. Im September 2011 verkündete deshalb die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) einen Mindestkurs des Franken zum Euro. Mit einer Untergrenze von 1,20 Franken je...
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Given low interest rates in the large industrial countries and buoyant capital inflows into the emerging markets East Asian central banks have accumulated large stocks of foreign reserves. As the resulting easing of monetary conditions has become a threat to domestic price and financial...
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