Showing 1 - 10 of 23
When mothers with young children contemplate employment, a decisive factor is whether day care is available. Extensive research has been carried out on the subject. However, to date, it has failed to address the extent to which the quality of day care affects maternal employment decisions. We...
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Both children and their parents can benefit from early education and child care. We investigate whether the various provisions are utilized by all families and what differences there are in terms of the socio-economic resources available to them. On the basis of the German Socio-Economic Panel...
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In recent years, almost all children below school age in Western industrialized countries have some experience of attending day care institutions. However, the age at which children enter day care and therefore the overall time spent in day carevaries substantially. We investigate the potential...
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Following the major expansion of day care provision in Germany in recent years, the quality of these programs has increasingly also been the subject of public debate. When evaluating the quality of German day care centers, experts have frequently concluded that there is considerable room for...
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Nach dem starken Ausbau der Kapazitäten von Kindertageseinrichtungen in den letzten Jahren wird in jüngster Vergangenheit in der Öffentlichkeit auch vermehrt über die Qualität dieser Angebote diskutiert. Vielfach beurteilen Experten die Qualität in deutschen Kindertageseinrichtungen...
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By investigating how locally available early childhood education and care quality relates to maternal employment choices, this study extended the literature which has mostly focused on the importance of day-care availability or costs. We provided differentiated analyses by the youngest child’s...
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Von einer frühen Förderung und Betreuung können Kinder und ihre Eltern profitieren. Wir gehen der Frage nach, ob diese Angebote von allen Familien genutzt werden und welche Unterschiede es im Hinblick auf die sozioökonomische Ressourcenausstattung von Familien gibt. Auf der Basis des...
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Not only the quantity of formal daycare provision for young children, but also its quality has become an issue of political concern. This experimental study investigates how a hypothetical improvement in the quality of daycare facilities shapes normative judgements regarding daycare use and...
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By investigating how locally available early childhood education and care quality relates to maternal employment choices, this study extended the literature which has mostly focused on the importance of day-care availability or costs. We provided differentiated analyses by the youngest child's...
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Bei der Erwerbsentscheidung von Müttern mit jungen Kindern ist es von großer Bedeutung, ob ihnen einen Platz in einer Kindertageseinrichtung zur Verfügung steht. Dies wurde vielfach untersucht. Dabei blieb bislang jedoch die Frage außen vor, inwiefern die Qualität der...
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