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Papers estimating the reaction function of the Bundesbank generally find that its monetary policy from the 1970s to 1998 can well be captured by a standard Taylor rule according to which the central bank responds to the output gap and to deviations of inflation from target, but not to monetary...
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The paper derives the monetary policy reaction function implied by money growth targeting. It consists of an interest rate response to deviations of the inflation rate from target, to the change in the output gap, to money demand shocks and to the lagged interest rate. In the second part, it is...
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The paper analyses the performance of simple interest rate rules which feature a response to noisy observations of inflation, output and money growth. The analysis is based on a small empirical model of the hybrid New Keynesian type which has been estimated on euro area data by Stracca (2007)....
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Seit der Einführung des Euro-Bargelds ist der Umlauf deutscher Banknoten außerordentlich stark gestiegen. Vor allem der Auslandsumlauf spielt dabei eine Rolle - und hier wiederum der Umlauf außerhalb des Euroraums. Die Autoren schätzen die regionale Verteilung dieses Umlaufs mithilfe...
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Für Unternehmen kann die Analyse von Credit Spreads, d.h. der Differenz zwischen den Renditen von Unternehmensanleihen und laufzeitäquivalenten risikolosen Anlagen, nützliche Informationen erbringen, da sich Veränderungen im Credit Spread auf ihre Finanzierungskonditionen auswirkt. Prof. Dr....
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This paper analyses how many euro coins outflow from Germany and which composition of coins is to be expected in the long run. To this end, a simple mathematical model is formulated and calibrated for €1 coins. The introduction of the euro coins in 2002 presented a unique opportunity to...
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