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In einem Buch mit dem Titel „Eigentum und Eigentumspolitik hatten Hans-Christoph Binswanger und Mitarbeiter bereits 1978 die Frage aufgeworfen, ob und wie das private Eigentum von der Ökologiefrage tangiert wird, und sie hatten, daran anknüpfend, Umrisse einer umweltkonformen...
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Environmental problems have always been part of our history, of life, and work. Yet the way in which environmental problems are perceived and politicized has changed: If it was at first chiefly local and regional environmental problems that were recognized, in recent years global environmental...
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Three topics dominate the formulation an international greenhouse-gas regime as part of an effective global environmental policy. Efficiency, equity, and uncertainty. And three major policy instruments are discussed as regards the implementation of the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate...
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Global environmental policy certainly could gain strength if the management of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) or of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) were made more efficient. However, such a minimalist strategy of efficiency improvement is no panacea: it can...
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»Noch nie zuvor«, vermerkt Henry Kissinger in seinem Essay Die Vernunft der Nationen (1994), »mußten in die Gestaltung einer neuen Weltordnung so unterschiedliche Vorstellungen einfließen, und noch nie zuvor hatte eine Weltordnung eine so globale Dimension.« In der Tat, die neue Ära des...
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The Committee for Development Policy is required by Economic and Social Council resolution 1991/46 to conduct triennially a review to determine the countries to be added or graduated from the list of least developed countries (LDCs). Since the previous review was conducted in 2000, the Committee...
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With the beginning of the new millennium, the longstanding need for reform of the United Nations system has gained new momentum. Efficiency gains and better coordination are desirable, though not sufficient to bring about improvement in international relations. There is need, therefore, to look...
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With the onset of the new millennium, the longstanding need for reform of the United Nations system has gained new momentum. Efficiency gains and better coordination are desirable, though not sufficient to bring about improvement in international relations. It could therefore make sense to look...
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Im Bericht der Weltkommission für Umwelt und Entwicklung von 1987, der zu einer weltweiten Diskussion über zukunftsfähige Entwicklung (sustainable development) geführt hat, finden sich zwei Definitionen dieses Konzepts: „Entwicklung zukunftsfähig zu machen heißt, das die gegenwärtige...
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In Europe, the recent debate on globalisation of the economy has - ironically - given a notable push for various concepts of regionalisation. Regions always played a strong role in people's perceptions of a good life, but regions were predominantly understood as political boundaries of states,...
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