Showing 1 - 10 of 113
respect to the standard one's. In each model, a paternalistic government taxes the consumer and transfers him additional merit …
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respect to the standard one's. In each model, a paternalistic government taxes the consumer and transfers him additional merit …
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The strong and increasing positive correlation between lifetime income and life expectancy (the longevity gap) has recently been widely studied. In this paper we employ the simplest, minimal model to demonstrate the impact of this long-neglected fact on the various types of public pension...
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The strong and increasing positive correlation between lifetime income and life expectancy (the longevity gap) has recently been widely studied. In this paper we employ the simplest, minimal model to demonstrate the impact of this long-neglected fact on the various types of public pension...
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In his seminal model (Feldstein, 1985), the government operates a social security system to counter the representative worker's myopia. (i) For a complete myope, he determined a sizable optimal tax rate (and the corresponding benefit level). (ii) For a partially shortsighted worker, he...
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Egy korábbi dolgozatomban (Simonovits [1998a]) az új magyar nyugdíjrendszert és annak néhány kérdését elemeztem. Abban a cikkben célszerűnek láttam, hogy elkerüljem a matematikai modelleket, és csak röviden utaltam a modellezés eredményeire. Ebben a dolgozatban mintegy pótolom...
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1998. január 1-jén a felosztó-kirovó társadalombiztosítási nyugdíjrendszer vegyes rendszerré alakult, amely kötelező az 1998. június 30-a után munkába állók számára, és választható másoknak. A jelenleg érvényes tb-nyugdíj körülbelül egynegyed részét egy...
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A basic function of public pension systems is to guarantee a satisfactory old-age income for short-sighted low earners. In proportional (i.e., earnings-related) systems, this requires a sufficiently high contribution rate. At the same time, there should be a cap on the pension contribution base...
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A basic function of public pension systems is to guarantee a satisfactory old-age income for short-sighted low earners. In proportional (i.e., earnings-related) systems, this requires a sufficiently high contribution rate. At the same time, there should be a cap on the pension contribution base...
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The partial privatization of the US Social Security system was clearly the top economic policy priority for the new Bush administration. While many famous economists, publicists and politicians support, others reject the partial privatization of the Social Security system. The international...
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