Showing 1 - 10 of 27
Personligheten är ett begrepp med rötter långt tillbaka i tiden och anses av många vara av stor betydelse, inte minst i arbetslivet. Personlighetstest har funnits och tillämpats i stor skala i snart 100 år. Den svenska marknaden för personlighetstestning omsätter 100-tals miljoner kronor...
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Skönmålning är ett stort problem vid användning av personlighetstest av självrapporttyp. Det är ofta lätt att genomskåda vad olika testfrågor syftar till att mäta och vill man bluffa är det lätt att göra det. Trots det är denna typ av test vanliga och de tycks få en ökande...
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I denna rapport studeras sambandet mellan social anpassning i arbetslivet och personlighet, särskilt emotionell intelligens och social förmåga. Data insamlades med enkätmetod; 107 personer svarade. De var av mycket varierande bakgrund. Emotionell intelligens mättes både med prestationsmått...
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The development of personality testing in the workplace has undergone three phases. The first generation of tests, such as Cattell’s 16 PF and the British test OPQ, was characterized by complex systems for the description of the personality. These systems were simplified in part by the...
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Denna rapport redovisar resultat från en undersökning av attityden till det svenska kärnkraftsprogrammet. Ett slumpmässigt stickprov ur databasen med personer bosatta i Sverige fick per post en enkät som tog upp ett antal aspekter på kärnkraften och på förvaring av använt...
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This is a study in which emotional intelligence (EI) as well as several other personality dimensions were studied in a real, high-stakes, selection situation, N=190. Forty-one trait oriented personality scales were measured and factor analyzed. A factor pattern with four secondary factors was...
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This is a study of emotional intelligence (EI). EI was measured by performance and self-report tasks. Data were also obtained on basic values, some standard personality dimensions such as those specified in the five-factor model, social adjustment and several scales of impression management....
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Financial decision-making rarely follows models derived from economic theory, which postulate that people are rational economic actors. Psychological alternatives abound. The Tversky-Kahneman heuristics approach is dominating, but it needs to be complemented with emotional and personality...
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Extensive research on risk perception has led to a received view (the psychometric model or paradigm), which stresses that members of the public react negatively to technology whenever it (a) is new, (b) causes “dread”, and (c) there is low trust in experts and organizations concerned with...
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TV watching is one of the most important ways of spending leisure time, the average daily watching time in the Swedish population is about 141 minutes – about 15 % of non-sleep time. Yet, there is little research on the psychological processes taking place while watching TV. In the present...
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