Showing 1 - 10 of 131
Devising appropriate policy measures for the integration of refugees is high on the agenda of many governments. This paper focuses on the social integration of families seeking asylum in Germany between 2013 and 2016. Exploiting differences in services availability across counties as an...
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Devising appropriate policy measures for the integration of refugees is high on the agenda of many governments. This paper focuses on the social integration of families seeking asylum in Germany between 2013 and 2016. Exploiting regional differences in early childhood education and care (ECEC)...
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On January 1, 2017, the parental leave benefit will be celebrating its tenth anniversary. Although its implementation was fervidly debated, it has become a widely accepted family policy measure. Its impact on parental labor supply, the division oflabor between parents, fertility, and indicators...
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Am 1. Januar 2017 feiert das Elterngeld sein zehnjähriges Bestehen. Gleichwohl die Einführung von einigen Diskussionen begleitet war, ist es inzwischen eine familienpolitische Leistung mit hoher Akzeptanz. Ihre Wirkung auf die Erwerbstätigkeit der Eltern, die partnerschaftliche...
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Der Koalitionsvertrag sieht zwar keine weitreichenden familienpolitischen Maßnahmen vor. Allerdings sollen die Kindertagesbetreuung und das Elterngeld weiter ausgebaut werden. Damit folgt die Große Koalition zumindest teilweise einer Studie mehrerer Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute, die alle...
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This paper studies the effects of Covid-19 related daycare and school closures on gender role attitudes toward maternal employment in Germany. We compare women and men with dependent children to those without children one year after the outbreak of the pandemic. Using data on gender role...
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Die Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Corona-Virus haben Familien vor große Herausforderungen gestellt, insbesondere durch die vorübergehenden (Teil-)Schließungen von Kitas und Schulen. Während viele Studien bisher darauf fokussierten, wie die zusätzliche Sorgearbeit zwischen Müttern und...
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Not only the quantity of formal daycare provision for young children, but also its quality has become an issue of political concern. This experimental study investigates how a hypothetical improvement in the quality of daycare facilities shapes normative judgements regarding daycare use and...
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Not only the quantity of formal daycare provision for young children, but also its quality has become an issue of political concern. This experimental study investigates how a hypothetical improvement in the quality of daycare facilities shapes normative judgements regarding daycare use and...
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