Showing 1 - 10 of 16
In consideration of the Lisbon Agenda, the Romanian Government drew up the National Programme for Reform for 2007-2010, which established national priorities, and ways and tools to achieve economic reform and growth. Transition in Romania implied a complex and extensive system of regulations and...
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Active ageing and economic crisis create a great pressure on pension systems, from the financial sustainability and performance of the old architectures of the 3 tired system point of view. Reforms of public pension systems during the last years highlight that demographic ageing is a major...
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The paper is focused on the conceptual framework of economic resilience and vulnerability at national level taking into consideration both external and internal factors (shocks) including the countries’dimensional peculiarities. A special attention is paid to the resilience and vulnerability...
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The research intends to analyse a series of FDI effects on Romania from the viewpoint of structure, volume and dynamics by types, sectors and branches, development regions and origin countries, as well as the impact on the expatriated and reinvested earnings, trade balance, and profitability of...
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The economic crisis affected the size and quality of employment in most economic and social activities, but in different proportions. The health care sector faced a lower dynamics of employment diminution, but the personnel flows to better paid jobs continued at a higher rate than before the...
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The development of migration flows for the last decades and the emphasis laid on labour force circulation shifted the interest focus from managing crises generated by conjectural migration flows to inter-country cooperation for coordinating policies regarding labour migration.\\r\\nLabour...
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Criza economica a afectat volumul si calitatea ocuparii în majoritatea activitatilor economice si sociale, însa în proportii diferite. Sectorul de sanatate a cunoscut o dinamica mai atenuata a reducerii ocuparii însa fluxurile de personal catre locuri de munca mai bine remunerate au...
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Evaluating the economic contribution of CCI represents a relatively new research field triggered especially by the following factors: a) segregation of the CCI group as a relatively autonomous sector of national economies based on copyright and its other correlative rights has an increasing...
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The main components’ method allows for identifying the fundamental structures of some complex data basis, the highlighting of significant relationships of interdependence and the selection of a low number of factors the features of which may be used as basis for estimates or decisions. The...
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The youths’ labour market, and especially insertion employment has a series of particularities defined by aspects such as: flexibility, efficient employment, interest for career but also informal employment, external mobility, including brain drain, segmentation, employment precariousness,...
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