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This paper has an English version and can be downloaded from: "" este trabajo se muestra cómo encontrar la estructura óptima de capital y el valor con un endeudamiento constante y variable período a período, cuando la tasa de...
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La versión española de este artículo se puede encontrar en: "" paper shows how to proceed to find the optimal capital structure and value with period-to-period constant and variable leverage, when the discount rate for tax...
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This article (1) identifies three sources of risk for tax shields (TS): Two of them are associated with debt risk and one is associated with operating risk. (2) A set of conditions for defining risky debt associated with cash flow, not with earnings, is presented. (3) It further shows that...
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I identify three sources of risk for the tax shields: two of them associated to the risk of debt and one associated to the operating risk. I present a set of conditions for defining risky debt associated to cash flow and not to accounting earnings. I explain why realization of tax shields for...
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We derive and present the formula for optimal debt under the assumption that tax shields are discounted at the cost of levered equity, Ke and cash flows are on perpetuity. The formulation is consistent and is derived from basic financial principles. This formulation is valid for non-growing...
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The Spanish version of this paper can be found paper estimates the value of tax shields, using the discounted cash flow method for 23 major non financial firms listed in the Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (Colombian Stock Exchange) between 2001 and 2010. Our...
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La versión española de este artículo se puede encontrar en: '' discuss the relevance of personal taxes on Tax Shields. Interest and taxes are the basis for defining an optimal capital structure. When personal taxes are...
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Muchos consultores, autores y profesores de Finanzas incluyen los cambios en losactivos liquidos (dividendos potenciales") en los flujos de caja. Esta practica escontraria a la teoria basica de las finanzas. Presentamos razones economicas, teoricas, yempiricas para apoyar la tesis. Por lo tanto,...
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Practitioners and some academics use potential dividends rather than actual payments toshareholders for valuing a firm´s equity. We underline the differences between the two methods and present some arguments supporting the thesis that firm valuation with potential dividends overstate the...
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Abstract: SUBJECT AREAS: Corporate Finance, Valuation, Capital Budgeting, Investment Policy, Economic Value Added, EVA, Market Value Added, MVA, Net Present Value, NPV, cash flows, free cash flows real free cash flows This technical note studies Economic Value Added, EVA. First, a conceptual...
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