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Most studies find little to no effect of classroom computers on student achievement. We suggest that this null effect may combine positive effects of computer uses without equivalently effective alternative traditional teaching practices and negative effects of uses that substitute more...
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Does a high regional concentration of immigrants of the same ethnicity affect immigrant children’s acquisition of host-country language skills and educational attainment? We exploit the exogenous placement of guest workers from five ethnicities across German regions during the 1960s and 1970s...
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A general concern with the representativeness of online surveys is that they exclude the “offline” population that does not use the internet. We run a large-scale opinion survey with (1) onliners in web mode, (2) offliners in face-to-face mode, and (3) onliners in face-to-face mode. We find...
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Nineteenth-Century Catholic doctrine strongly opposed state schooling. We show that countries with larger shares of Catholics in 1900 (but without a Catholic state religion) tend to have larger shares of privately operated schools even today. We use this historical pattern as a natural...
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Dieser Artikel präsentiert Ergebnisse mehrerer international vergleichender und deutscher mikroökonometrischer Untersuchungen zum Zusammenhang zwischen frühkindlicher Bildung und späteren kognitiven und nichtkognitiven Fähigkeiten anhand der TIMSS-, PISA-, IGLU- und DJI-Kinderpanel-...
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Existing estimates of the labor-market returns to human capital give a distorted picture of the role of skills across different economies. International comparisons of earnings analyses rely almost exclusively on school attainment measures of human capital, and evidence incorporating direct...
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Max Weber attributed the higher economic prosperity of Protestant regions to a Protestant work ethic. We provide an alternative theory, where Protestant economies prospered because instruction in reading the Bible generated the human capital crucial to economic prosperity. County-level data from...
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Die Anzahl der von den Unternehmen angebotenen Ausbildungsstellen ist in den letzten beiden Jahren deutlich hinter die Nachfrage zurückgefallen. Dies hat in den letzten Monaten zu regelmäßigen Forderungen nach einer Ausbildungsplatzabgabe und nun dazu geführt, dass die SPD-Bundestagsfraktion...
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Welche Reformen sollten im deutschen Schulsystem umgesetzt werden? In dieser und den kommenden drei Ausgaben des ifo Schnelldienstes berichtet die Artikelserie "Ökonomische Beiträge zur Schuldebatte" über die Befunde zahlreicher Forschungsarbeiten der Abteilung Humankapital und Strukturwandel...
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