Showing 51 - 60 of 65
If school closures and social-distancing experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic impeded children's skill development, they may leave a lasting legacy in human capital. To understand the pandemic's effects on school children, this paper combines a review of the emerging international literature...
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If school closures and social-distancing experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic impeded children’s skill development, they may leave a lasting legacy in human capital. To understand the pandemic’s effects on school children, this paper combines a review of the emerging international...
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If school closures and social-distancing experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic impeded children’s skill development, they may leave a lasting legacy in human capital. To understand the pandemic’s effects on school children, this paper combines a review of the emerging international...
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A general concern with the representativeness of online surveys is that they exclude the "offline" population that does not use the internet. We run a large-scale opinion survey with (1) onliners in web mode, (2) offliners in face-to-face mode, and (3) onliners in face-to-face mode. We find...
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A general concern with the representativeness of online surveys is that they exclude the "offline" population that does not use the internet. We run a large-scale opinion survey with (1) onliners in web mode, (2) offliners in face-to-face mode, and (3) onliners in face-to-face mode. We find...
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A general concern with the representativeness of online surveys is that they exclude the "offline" population that does not use the internet. We run a large-scale opinion survey with (1) onliners in web mode, (2) offliners in face-to-face mode, and (3) onliners in face-to-face mode. We find...
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If school closures and social-distancing experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic impeded children's skill development, they may leave a lasting legacy in human capital. To understand the pandemic's effects on school children, this paper combines a review of the emerging international literature...
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Die #MeToo-Debatte hat Geschlechterthemen verstärkt in die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit gebracht. Die Grundlagen für die Einstellungen zu Geschlechterthemen und Gleichstellung werden im Kindes- und Jugendalter gelegt. Damit sind Geschlechterdifferenzen auch im Bildungssystem zentrale Themen....
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Bisher hat das ifo Bildungsbarometer alljährlich die erwachsene Wahlbevölkerung befragt, welche Meinung sie zu bildungspolitischen Themen hat. In diesem Jahr wurden zusätzlich auch Jugendliche als die aktuellen Nutzer des schulischen Bildungssystems zu ausgewählten Themen befragt. Bei dem...
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Da gute Bildung die Chance auf wirtschaftlichen Erfolg und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe eröffnet, ist Chancengleichheit im Bildungssystem ein zentraler Ansatzpunkt, um soziale Ungleichheiten zu verringern. Das ifo Bildungsbarometer 2019, unsere jährliche repräsentative Meinungsumfrage von über...
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